Sun 2 Jun 2019 6:35AM

[IT] Migrate away from Tootsuite Mastodon to Glitch-soc

I Ilja Public Seen by 36

TL;DR We are planning to move away from Mastodon to Glitch-soc. This thread is to discuss and get consensus on how to move forward with this.

As y'all probably know, we have a fediverse instance at https://mastodon.pirateparty.be/ This instance is running Mastodon from the Tootsuite repository[1]. We've installed this software because we believed in the values it stood for. A community driven decentralised social networking platform by-and-for it's users. Sadly enough we started to realise that the Mastodon project doesn't embody the values it claimed to stand for.

The problems are:
* The way the tootsuite Mastodon project is run with a Benevolent Dictator For Live
* The way it is run brings a lot of frustrations within the community
* We see that a lot off things are not happening that should be happening (features that are not implemented, safety-stuff that is covered up instead of being fixed)

A personal statement I already made about this can be found at https://mastodon.pirateparty.be/web/statuses/101979613239571810

The concept of the fediverse is a good one of course, and something we still want to support. The fediverse didn't start with Mastodon, nor do I believe will it end with it. There are other options besides tootsuite Mastodon, so the obvious choice would be to migrate to a different platform.

Assuming we don't want to change the goal of the platform, there are three possible choices that come to mind:
* Glitch-soc[2]
* There's a "main" developer, but no BDFL
* They have showed that they do implement features that people want
* Florence[3]
* The aim is to be community oriented/controlled
* The project is too young to really have proven themselves
* Very small community, not sure if it will remain active (because the project is too young)
* pleroma[4]
* Too different from Mastodon, doesn't have reliable migration-script

From these choices, only Glitch-soc and Florence have an easy way to migrate to. Seeing how Glitch-soc has already proved itself, migrating to this seems the best choice.

The question then is: How do we proceed?
Question one: Are there any objections to this? Or things that we should keep in mind?

Question two: How do we involve the people on the instance?

For the second question, I propose a statement be made from the ppbe account where we explain what we want to do (migrate to glitch-soc), why we want to do it (see reasons mentioned here) and what the impact will be for them (more features ). A reminder of this statement should be posted to make sure everyone who is active on the instance will see it. I think we should at least wait a month between the first statement and the actual migration, reminders should be done weekly during this month or until all active members have responded. If anyone objects, this objection needs to be sorted out first.

[1] https://github.com/tootsuite/mastodon
[2] https://github.com/glitch-soc/mastodon/
[3] https://github.com/florence-social/mastodon-fork
[4] https://git.pleroma.social/pleroma/pleroma


Ilja Sun 7 Jul 2019 9:19AM

wow :/ I must've been very tired when I wrote that :/ I meant D'autres mondes (Gembloux)


HgO Wed 24 Jul 2019 6:42PM

@zefredz told me it was ok to do the meeting at his home, in Louvain-la-Neuve (those who don't know the address, just ask us at: it [at] pirateparty [dot] be).

So, I made a poll for the date: https://poll.parley.be/studs.php?poll=SmoeX6PfJXIqdQu1


HgO Fri 2 Aug 2019 8:30PM

We will have our meeting on 1st September, in LLN :tada:

Practical details and agenda: https://wiki.pirateparty.be/ITSquad/Mastodon/Meeting/01_09_2019