Wed 19 May 2021 7:53AM

Balancing new member flow with our capacity levels.

DU Aleks Jovanovic Public Seen by 41

Dear fellow members, I have committed to coordinating and hosting an initial gathering of interested members to discuss the potential risks when there is an imbalance between new member inflow and our capacity levels to provide adequate support to new members. I would like to invite all interested members to our Risk Jedi meeting on 16.06.2021 at 3.30 pm - the meeting will focus only on this subject and we'll consider creating a 'jedlette' if need be. Zoom details below:

Join Zoom Meeting


Meeting ID: 857 7456 6830

Passcode: 196366

I look forward to seeing you all then. If you are keen to attend but are unable to make it, please feel free to start a conversation here.


Cristina Massia Wed 19 May 2021 7:55AM

Very important topic :) I'll do my best to be there.


Chontelle Wed 19 May 2021 11:23AM

Adding to my calendar, thanks Aleks!


Lisa Zulfiqar Thu 20 May 2021 3:03AM

Sounds good Aleks


Michaela Kennedy Thu 27 May 2021 12:03AM

Thanks Aleks, it's in the diary. Does this include the 'don't be a prick' policy?


Aleks Jovanovic Thu 27 May 2021 1:30AM

Hi Mic, I'm sure the convo's will can touch on the don't be a prick policy. Dee and the risk Jedi have started some comprehensive discussion and action regarding the 'dont be a prick...".


Dee Brooks Thu 27 May 2021 1:16PM

I shared just this week, with Mic and Jason, about some friends/colleagues of Jeder in Canada who have developed this over many years and suggested we get them to come join a call with us and tell us how they managed it!

I remember it was super interesting when they told me about it and I would not want to do them the disservice of getting it wrong so, how about it? Should I ask them to join some of us for a call about this topic?

These guys are the real deal and they have been blending ABCD and PCP for years! Their website is: https://plan.ca


Deleted account Tue 15 Jun 2021 1:33AM

YES! They have been doing some great work during the pandemic!


Lisa Zulfiqar Thu 27 May 2021 10:03PM

That would be awesome Dee


Margaret Henville Sat 5 Jun 2021 10:55AM

Thanks Aleks, I have added it to my diary. Yes Dee it does sound great.


Michaela Kennedy Mon 14 Jun 2021 5:49AM

Agree, I'm keen

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