
Gathering #15 September 2, 2021 - Revisiting Money

RH Ronen Hirsch Public Seen by 7

A container for preparations, documentation, and ripples from gathering #15

14:00-16:00 UTC (with possibility for overtime) @ Zoom


Alex Rodriguez Sat 4 Sep 2021 10:04AM

I understand the scope outlined in this proposal.
I feel it points to a real need.
I would like to see this need addressed.
I feel this need can be address ethically and sustainably.
I look forward to discovering what other needs may arise.
I have no objections to moving forward based on this framing.
I would like to contribute to addressing this need.

I still have some hesitancy around the vagueness of the terms "strangers" and "at random times" and also share Josh's concerns about my capacity for tending to strangers right now. But after really sitting with this for a few days I don't think that my concerns are blocking concerns; furthermore, I think that the things I'm tracking that have seemed to missing from the framing thus far could be integrated within the scope Ronen has outlined here.


Toni Blanco Sat 4 Sep 2021 10:04AM

I understand the scope outlined in this proposal.
I feel it points to a real need.
I would like to see this need addressed.
I feel this need can be address ethically and sustainably.
I would like to contribute to addressing this need.
I look forward to discovering what other needs may arise.
I have no objections to moving forward based on this framing.

I always assumed this and I am glad that we make it explicit: "This framing does not exclude the application of the method to existing groups or established spaces where people are already together but feel they can benefit from the method"


Ronen Hirsch Sat 4 Sep 2021 4:15PM

Thank you @Josh Fairhead for the honest expression in your reply to the Scope of Work poll. I wholly embrace you as you are, where you are. I look forward to a period during which the crew can serve and nourish you. For me, you presencing yourself, attending the gathering, and responding to the poll are all acts of vital and generous giving. Please stay tuned to where you are and, as long as you can, please continue to communicate your state of being, needs, and desires into the crew space.


Jennifer Damashek Tue 7 Sep 2021 9:16PM

I appreciate this response so much. I'm glad Josh expressed exactly where he is with the prospect of tending to strangers, and I'm glad he received this response.


Robert Damashek Wed 8 Sep 2021 11:12PM

I have attached below my thoughts on how the Money Cards could be potentially transformed to naturally embrace broader forms of value exchange without diminishing the near-term importance of money to support and sustain the crew.


Poll Created Mon 13 Sep 2021 10:22AM

Money in the GP & Cycle 3 Closed Thu 23 Sep 2021 9:02AM

Yesterday I completed the reading of the GP with Maija. While going through the Money sequences their weakness as a center became a physically felt experience for me. This, together with the inputs offered by Robert (which I am still digesting), the tension expressed by Jennifer, a general unease around this part of the sequence, and the complexity of the subject matter have prompted me to make this proposal. This is also the 2nd proposal I promised to make in the wake of Gathering 15 and now it is mature and clear to me.

I have an image in mind of a hand-fan that represents the complexity of money. It has a center where there is a handle and the many blades that are connected to the center and represent the many intricate aspects of money. My intention, in the money sequences, was to tend to the handle in such a way that gradually over time the many blades will be able to connect to it. I now feel that, while I have pointed at something that may probably be needed (and better elaborated in the future) that I was also affected more by some of the blades but not sufficiently to the wholeness of the fan. This currently feels to me like an over-reach from the present moment.

My proposal is, therefore:

  1. To set aside the three Money sequences, to remove them, for now, from the core GP.

  2. To give ourselves space to gradually evolve the subject of money both in response to our needs (as we move forward together) and to the needs of the structure and its spaces (as they begin to manifest and meet real-world needs).

  3. To embrace a shared understanding that the subject of money needs to be addressed well in order to a) meet the needs of the crew; b) make it possible to manifest our ideas into a living ecology; c) tend to the well-being of the future structure and all of its inhabitants; d) interface well with the realities (constraints, potentials, needs, etc.) of the physical world as it currently is.

  4. To bring cycle 3 to completion and to explore what comes next.

I want to explicitly acknowledge that this proposal is effectively a bundle of 4 proposals. I preferred to offer them in this way as a whole instead of as 4 separate proposals. However, I ask that you take the liberty to relate to each of the proposals. If you have any reservations about or objections to any of them please indicate so in your response to the proposal, and that should and will block this proposal as a whole.


Results Option % of points Voters
Consent 100.0% 6 TB AR RH JF JD RD
Abstain 0.0% 0  
Objection 0.0% 0  
Undecided 0% 0  

6 of 6 people have participated (100%)


Josh Fairhead
Mon 13 Sep 2021 10:23AM

No objections with setting the issue aside for now; the current 'theory' outlined on C1 has always seemed fine to me on an intellectual level, but I appreciate the desire to ground theory in practice and see how we feel once such protocols are embodied. Sometimes the two worlds are incommensurable. If our little cell is to keep itself alive long term, it does seem of vital importance, but as work matures I'm sure we can find external validation in such a form. Lets end this cycle!


Alex Rodriguez
Mon 13 Sep 2021 10:23AM

This analysis feels resonant to me and the proposal seems to follow naturally from that place. Thank you, Ronen, for distilling this. I'd like to suggest as part of point 4 that we have a closing gathering for Cycle 3.


Robert Damashek
Mon 13 Sep 2021 10:23AM

I agree that it will be important to come back to this and come to a shared understanding about understanding both value agreements and money in terms of birth the needs of the crew and the needs of those who will inhabit and be served by the digital space.


Jennifer Damashek
Mon 13 Sep 2021 10:23AM

I feel all 4 points are perfect right now.

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