Sun 26 Feb 2017 3:45AM

Welcome! Please introduce yourself

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Take a moment to let the group know a bit about who you are. Post a comment below.

What’s your role or approach to participation in this group? What should people know about you to understand where you’re coming from?


Kanako and Yoshi Sun 9 Jul 2017 9:47AM

Hi All

Kia ora!
Let us introduce.
We are Japanese family who live in Auckland, I am Kanako ,my partner Yoshi and two kids. we attended the public meeting .It was really exciting !!
We are keen to explore Nelson co-housing more.

We were Åuckland Co-houseing core member last year, but unfortunately it wasn't successful because of property market price has gone too far. Through year, we had a lot of procedures, conflicts,sweat and tear ( lost some money...).But we believe those all things will be useful for next project.

We love Co-housing philosophy and permaculture design.Loving caring people and environment.
Yoshi is a licensed builder for 25 years, I am care worker in rest home now but I was an architect in Japan, so I have a skill to design house and landscape.We would like to involve in design group.

We love to spend time in nature, kayaking, gardening, and camping.
Our boys are 15 y.o(Taisei) and 12 y.o(Kosei). We have lovely two cats.

Kanako and Yoshi :smiley:


Alina Adamczyk Sun 9 Jul 2017 10:33AM

Hi Kanako and Yoshi and hi to all in the group:)
We are Alina and Darek, originally from Poland, but have been in NZ for 5 years and in Ireland for few years before that. We have two little girls: Liliana 5yr and Amelia 20 mths.
We are very much interested in being part of the co-housing community in the future as we believe that living in small communities is the future and a way to go for people. We would love to live along like minded people who like us care about their enviroment and who want to lead sustainable life with a meaning,
As for our jobs, I currently work as a social worker and Darek is a baker, but we have many skills and abilities and we try not to identify too much with what we do for a job.


Mike Scott Sat 15 Jul 2017 1:50AM

Hi everyone, I've commented a few times on other pages but haven't introduced myself and the family on here yet. We are Mike and Clare Scott. I am originally from Palmerston North, and Clare is from just outside Detroit in the United States. We have three small children: Jacob is 6, Chiara is 4 and Alyssa is 20 months.

We have been looking for alternative ways of living for a while now, and are really keen on the mix of private spaces and community living that co-housing offers, as well as the car-free spaces, the shared facilities and the green spaces without sprawling all over the place.

I am a planner at the Council (so I imagine my skills we come in useful at some stage) and Clare is studying to be a social worker. We are keen for there to be another meeting of those who are keen, so Clare can meet everyone and we can talk about what the next steps might be.


Trees Sat 15 Jul 2017 7:07AM

Hi everyone. I came to the recent Nelson meeting and am véry interested in the co-housing life style. I've been reading up about it and while living in Whangarei, until recently, was involved in a group looking into starting an urban cohousing community. We had some training from the Auckland urban cohousing group and visited those premises. When I left to go and live in Nelson the group was still going but I understand it has changed tack now as the access problems were insurmountable.

Presently I am looking at building a tiny house and would also be interested in a tiny house cohousing community if there are others interested in that. I'm a golden oldie (female) and have worked in creative industries as well as managed a disabled creative space. Presently I work as an artist from home , mostly 3D work. I'm keen to be involved in the committees but will be going overseas soon until November.

Look forward to great things happening as I believe community and sustainable living is the way of the future.


Mike Scott Mon 17 Jul 2017 8:03AM

Welcome (sorry I didn't get your name). We are interested in tiny houses as a co-housing option too. If you want to give us a call to talk about it, my number is (0220) 835-925. It would be interesting to throw some ideas around. Cheers, Mike


Ian Mc Fri 21 Jul 2017 11:41AM

Hi All,
My name is Ian McComb and I'm an infrastructure planning engineer who recently left Council to pursue small house developments (look me up on LinkedIn). I have a long history of involvement in ecovillage developments and am familiar with permaculture, cohousing, passive design and most of the industry jargon. I have a site in mind that may serve as the co-housing site and this will most likely be put through the NCC Special Housing Area process shortly. Nevertheless even if this one is not "it", I'm willing to work with the group on other alternatives. My opening bid from previous experience is to suggest that you put as much effort into the financial model as the site selection.


Leslie Jones Fri 21 Jul 2017 7:57PM

Hi all, it has been nice to read about those of you who have posted about your interests in this group. My name is Leslie. I am a middle aged woman of Northern European decent, originally from California but living and working in Nelson for the past 15 years. I have an interest in living in a community that with shared spaces as well as privacy for myself and my family. I have a partner who I don't currently live with, but hope to in the future, and a 17 year old daughter who will be leaving for University next year. I love living in Nelson, enjoy being in the outdoors as much as I can while having a fairly full on and satisfying work life. Most of my life I have lived in shared living situations which have allowed for a sense of connection and community and have always been intrigued by the idea of co-housing. I'm imagining the next couple of years could lead to changes in my living situation, with co-housing one possibility. I'm keen to continue getting to know all of you as we see if we can come up with workable legal, governance and community structures that can led to development of a community. My hope is that we can learn from similar communities who have created successful structures that support the community to function without need for large amounts of time and emotional energy being spent on "working things out," between each other. I don't want to be involved in a situation in which a few people attempt to exert power and control over others, which can happen whenever groups of people come together. I like the idea of a diverse community with a mix of cultures, heritage, gender, ages, sexual orientation and spiritual affiliations.

Look forward to seeing you next week.


Christine Turton Sun 23 Jul 2017 6:46PM

Greetings. My name is Chris Turton and I am new to join this group and just getting up to speed with developments. Thanks to those who have done so much work so far. I am very interested to support sustainable housing initiatives in general and am currently exploring our next step as a family where we can live in a smaller co-housing community, I have lived in Nelson for 35 years, living a rural lifestyle in Nelson north. Having been involved in community life in a number of different ways, I am interested in supporting this development.