Mon 8 Jun 2020 5:46PM


JW Jacob Warn Public Seen by 16

We have reached out to NGOs working in the field to help inform the decision of what key action to focus on for the Action Day on 20th June.

We now need to decide between:

  1. RESTRICTIVE MEASURES: advocating for the end to arbitrary restrictions of asylum seekers in camps

  2. ILLEGAL PUSHBACKS: advocating for a response and answer to the reports of illegal pushback from the Aegean Islands


Kirsty Evans Tue 9 Jun 2020 10:42AM

Together for Better Days: Undecided/Both

Point 1 (Restrictions): 

Pro) Restrictions are very controversial. It’s absolutely against freedom to move. Restrictions also do not help people’s mental health at all and tensions rise up easily in the camps. There is a feeling that the measures are being extended in order to finally realise this as a long-term measure.

Con) Restrictions are potentially something that is helping them to be protected. The opinion that it could be transformed into a long-term measure is just a feeling. 

Point 2 (Push-backs):

Pro) It is obviously really bad with no excuses. 

Con) The problem is that there is less information about it and it is related to restrictions.

Conclusion: Instead of denying human rights, they should find a measure to protect the islands that does not impress upon human rights.


Kirsty Evans Tue 9 Jun 2020 10:44AM

The Highlands Supports Refugees: Illegal pushbacks 

In terms of a timeline, this would be good to focus on first. A refugee making their way to Greece may face an illegal pushback first and then only if they managed to reach Greek shores they would then face the other issues. 


RitaButman Tue 9 Jun 2020 10:54AM

Response from Choose Love: they want to participate with the Action Date, waiting for more information, provided them with vote link and previouse action date for insights


RitaButman Tue 9 Jun 2020 11:10AM

Response from Medical Volunteers International : But I think number: Illegal Push-Backs: might be also a topic, which a lot of people don't recognize as much. who to address it to, I guess Ylva Johansson is a good idea, I will think about if another institution or person would be good.


RitaButman Tue 9 Jun 2020 11:44AM

Response from No Name Kitchen: They are active in Pushpack: all the pushback that are occurring from Croatia into Serbia and Bosnia , Pushbacks with violence are the main thing we are denouncing with our reports. from our side( not long time ago we send few emails with the SOAP for IOM Campaign


RitaButman Tue 9 Jun 2020 11:47AM

Response from Refugee Rights Europe: we would suggest a focus on restrictive measures. Although push-backs, also concerning Greece, are becoming an increasingly important (and unfortunately pervasive) issue that RRE is also focusing on more as part of our strategy, we feel that for such a short-term and targeted initiative as this one, focusing on very concise and immediate to mid-term asks concerning restrictive measures will be most impactful. we suggest that aside from the Greek government, certain EU-level stakeholders should also be addressed on the issue of arbitrary and discriminatory restrictive measures, perhaps also linking it to the increasingly containment and detention-based Hotspot approach on the Aegean islands (as these appear to be inextricably linked).


RitaButman Tue 9 Jun 2020 11:48AM

Response from Grenzenlose Wärme e.V. : I'd like to confirm our participation, I'd like to write a post in german as well as in english to make sure that we can adress to the full range of people who might support the action day on june 20th.


Kirsty Evans Tue 9 Jun 2020 1:06PM


There is a growing amount of indisputable evidence of illegal push-backs and it is a topic that is currently being widely discussed and highlighted amongst advocates. There are many articles coming out about it, and more reports will be released in the coming week - especially from Germany. Therefore I would say this is a good time to further highlight this ongoing conversation and help fuel more action utilizing the evidence that clearly shows human rights law/maritime law being breached and Europe being complicit.


There are some limitations in regard to advocacy when we work directly in the camp (but as the campaign title states, focusing on Europe is much easier for us compared to highlighting failures of the Greek govt) but would be great to hear more.


Kirsty Evans Tue 9 Jun 2020 4:00PM

Mobile Info Team: Illegal Pushbacks

Have reached a new level and extremely concerning.


Kirsty Evans Wed 10 Jun 2020 7:21PM

Northern Lights Aid: Illegal Pushbacks

Illegal pushbacks are currently a vital issue to highlight as it is a form of institutionalised violence.