Mon 8 Jun 2020 5:46PM


JW Jacob Warn Public Seen by 16

We have reached out to NGOs working in the field to help inform the decision of what key action to focus on for the Action Day on 20th June.

We now need to decide between:

  1. RESTRICTIVE MEASURES: advocating for the end to arbitrary restrictions of asylum seekers in camps

  2. ILLEGAL PUSHBACKS: advocating for a response and answer to the reports of illegal pushback from the Aegean Islands


Poll Created Mon 8 Jun 2020 5:47PM

What is our demand for 20th June? Closed Tue 9 Jun 2020 5:02PM

by Jacob Warn Wed 10 Jun 2020 4:41AM

For the Action Day on 20th June, we have decided to make the RESTRICTIVE MEASURES our primary demand.


Results Option % of points Voters
Undecided 0% 0  

8 of 8 people have participated (100%)


Anonymous Tue 9 Jun 2020 9:26AM


Asylex: very interested in future collaboration

Lea: 'For me personally and considering the situation in Switzerland, point 2 is most relevant - I am truly concerned about the push backs that are taking place all over Europe currently...If we want to focus on situation on Greek islands though and push for an evacuation...it would rather be point 1 which is most pressing...we are fine with both'


Anonymous Tue 9 Jun 2020 9:45AM


I think this lays bare the systemic racism that is a root cause of the humanitarian crisis on the Aegean. This allows our call to link up with ongoing protests like BLM and also Covid. It is really important to make our call part of the bigger picture if we want to reach a wider audience.


Jacob Warn Mon 8 Jun 2020 5:48PM

Glocal Roots (NGO on Samos) suggested we focus on the Restrictive Measures since this is the issue affecting MOST people right now, and one that we may have the chance to change...


Rachel Husson Mon 8 Jun 2020 5:54PM

Stand By Me Lesvos/Moria White Helmets encouraged us to focus on restrictive measures as it worsened the already awful conditions in camps. The different quality of life btw the local population and the asylum seekers gets bigger, and the restrictive measures fostered the aggravation of the situation in hotspots while didn't impact much locals' life.


Kirsty Evans Mon 8 Jun 2020 6:22PM

Mare Liberum said that they think the illegal pushbacks are more important to highlight. They agree that restrictive camp measures are a major issue (because of dichotomy of treatment) but felt they could not strongly argue against this without expertise to judge whether removing the restrictive measures was going to further risk camp residents.

In short: though more should have been done to ensure camps were COVID-19 secure initially (i.e. improved medical care, social distancing etc), the fact is that they are not prepared for outbreak. Mare Liberum believe they do not have enough knowledge to confidently argue for restrictions being lifted.

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Isla Kitching Tue 9 Jun 2020 9:35AM

Response from Help and Hope for Refugees: Maybe ministers in individual EU countries could also be recipients of the information on illegal pushbacks and not just the EU?

I will not propose to to be a Focal Point as we are in France and I haven't the first hand informations.

(this is all was said)


RitaButman Tue 9 Jun 2020 10:32AM

Response from Sea-Watch e.V :the focus should be on option 2) Illegal Push-Backs , Another point which is pressing and relevant and basically one of the main reasons for the situation in which the European migration policy currently stands: the non-relocation of people arriving European coastal states.

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