
Welcome! Please introduce yourself

LHB Loomio Helper Bot Public Seen by 109

Take a moment to let the group know a bit about who you are. Post a comment below.

What’s your role or approach to participation in this group? What should people know about you to understand where you’re coming from?


Brylie Christopher Oxley Tue 14 Nov 2017 8:20AM

Hi Katariina. This is Brylie. I am introducing myself on this thread, so we can see how discussions work on Loomio :-)


Katariina Kalatie Tue 14 Nov 2017 3:56PM

Hi Brylie, same here :slight_smile:


Katariina Kalatie Tue 14 Nov 2017 4:00PM

There's something funny, I've tried to start a thread and dot vote. In both occasions I can fill out all the details but the Done/Post/Publish -button sort of is missing and the created stuff doesn't appear anywhere. It hasn't disappeared either as when I try to do it again that content is there. It just doesn't show up on the wall/dashboard.


Brylie Christopher Oxley Wed 15 Nov 2017 9:08AM


I am not sure what is happening. When I click "Decisions", then
"New Decision", and then "Dot Vote", the dialogue has a "Next"
button in the lower right corner. Is that what you are seeing as
greyed out?

Here is an example dot vote that I created:





Katariina Kalatie Wed 15 Nov 2017 3:34PM

Got it, we use IE as default browser (due to some internal issues I assume) and Loomio doesn't work properly on IE - like so many other services. Logged in with Chrome and now it works fine.