Mon 16 Dec 2013 1:39AM

What should the Topic of FR9 be?

MR [email protected] Public Seen by 14

We are about to embark on development of Freerange Vol.9 and are keen to have a big broad conversation about what the topic should be. (Fr8 is on the difference or lack of between animals, humans, and machines and is called Artificial Humanimal. Fr10 is going to be a gender issue of some type)

What is on people's minds at the moment? What would people love to read about? What would you love to write about?


Emma Johnson Tue 17 Dec 2013 11:23PM

Am excited to edit this one - some great ideas outlined there guys. I like the way this theme can accommodate the issues in terms of climate change, but also allows for more artistic or creative entries as well. Sorry it has taken me so long to respond - have been really busy.