Sun 17 Oct 2021 6:11PM

Democratic Hiring and Firing

NJJ Nijil Jamal Jones Public Seen by 9

We voted to split up the work into 4 teams:

Sales Team

Education Team

Marketing Team

and Kitchen Team

Instead of having a whole union or a spokes-council, we simply affirm that the decision to hire and fire a person lies with the specific team, not one person.

Like any other decision, 66.66% (2/3) of team members must agree to allow or disallow a person from working on that team.

To become voted into the co-op does not guarantee being voted onto a specific team!

Members still have rights related to expulsion and membership in the operating agreement. This vote says that you can retain membership in the co-op even if a team votes not to work with you.


Poll Created Sun 17 Oct 2021 6:11PM

Democratic Hiring and Firing Closed Sun 5 Dec 2021 3:02PM

We voted to split up the work into 4 teams:

Sales Team

Education Team

Marketing Team

and Kitchen Team

We affirm that the decision to hire and fire a person lies with the specific team.

Like any other decision, 66.66% (2/3) of team members must agree to allow or disallow a person from working on that team.

To become voted into the co-op does not guarantee being voted onto a specific team!

Members still have rights related to expulsion and membership in the operating agreement. This vote says that you can retain membership in the co-op even if a team votes not to work with you.


Results Option % of points Voters
Agree 75.0% 6 NJJ J SA IU C M
Abstain 0.0% 0  
Disagree 25.0% 2 NJJ JK
Block 0.0% 0  
Undecided 0% 3 K CX

7 of 10 people have participated (70%)


Ikenna Ugwuh
Sun 17 Oct 2021 6:11PM



Jamie Knott
Sun 17 Oct 2021 6:11PM

I think there should be a free flowing ability to float through the groups as members of the coop . The voting should begin and end when we decide who is a part of the cooperative or not. once a person is in the cooperative they should feel freedom to contribute wherever they decide and in whatever capacity they decide.