Tue 5 Sep 2017 12:18AM

Discussion on New Voting Systems By Mido

DK Dakota Kaiser Public Seen by 262

Mido has imagineered two new voting systems. Check them out here and discuss them here.

As we can all see there is an issue with the current voting system and that some change needs to occur. also, most people were not aware that such an imbalance existed.

Hence, I have spoken to some members and heard them out on what they liked about the current system what they didn’t like and what they believed to be fair. as well as received input from currently successful DAOS, as well as did research on how Ethereum Runs their Voting system.

Thus, I propose this potential to be considered as a temporary voting system that will create a more fair playing ground and should be seriously considered.

at least until further notice or until we can revert to a 1 Vote 1 Person System

Proposed below are two voting systems to align to, adjust and implement as needed.

The first Voting system is very similar to what we already have, but balances the system back closer to a 1 vote 1 person scenario at least temporarily, until we can fully revert it back to 1 vote 1 person.

The second voting system is based on a simpler implementation and is inspired by other DAOs, but modified based on input from current voteholders within the Earth Nation and created by Mido.


Voting System One

1- Proposals should be thoroughly thought out, and presented in a clear and concise manner. and if there are any questions to be addressed before making your vote contact the Proposals creator before casting your ballot. it is the voters’ responsibility to consciously make a vote.

If you feel like the proposal is not clear or is not clear, then contact the proposee and declare “I do not understand this proposal.” and allow the proposal creator to address the concern and clarify.

2- 1 Vote 1 Person is the most democratic system available to date. The issue we are facing is that only about 15-30% of Voteholders are currently voting. thus, one way we can address this issue is by Delegating our votes to 7 - 10 Voteholders that we trust and align with.

Currently there is a total of 60 voteholders. having 10 voteholders delegated is more than enough delegates to have a strong team of people you trust to vote on your behalf.

Placing a limit on the amount of Delegated Vote Holders you hold allows for an equal playing ground for all Voteholders and is a necessary system. Placing a cap, removes the possibility that one voteholder can have more voting power than any other voteholder.

Currently the voting system does not have a cap, and this Has created an imbalance where one voteholder has majority voting power over other voteholders. In an Autonomous based System Based on Sovereignty Must not be a Possibility.

however, the goal here is for you to vote! this is why you are here and hold voteholder status. We need you to build a strong independent autonomous system!

3- Time frame per proposal is 7 days. this has been prior voted and agreed upon.

I believe that is a fair enough time per voteholder to research, and address any concerns they have with a proposal.

4- the threshold levels per proposal will be as follows:

a- first proposal needs a 99% agreement rate. thus, out of 60 voteholders a vote needs 59 votes of agree to pass. b- second threshold only applies if the first proposal hasn’t passed the 99% agree rate. will be lowered to 90% c- third threshold would be 80% d-the fourth and last threshold would require 70% of votes agreed upon. thus, requiring 42/60 agree votes.

there would be only 4 times a proposal can be passed and not gain the approval of the collective. each threshold has a proposal time of 7 days. thus, the worst-case scenario is that you can have your vote passed would be within 28 days. which is approximately 1 month, to receive agreement by the voteholders.

I believe that is one way to achieve consensus. and be fair within the system. however; personally, I think it would be difficult to achieve such numbers regularly as most people align differently and have their own point of views.

hence, I also propose a different method of voting.

Voting System Two

all prior points in voting system one apply except for point number 4, the threshold levels.

within this voting system, the thresholds are per category and are inspired by an already running DAO with a much higher number of voteholders. however; it has modified to suit the Earth Nation

the threshold percentages are:

1st Tier- For Simple Decisions, a 50% + 1 vote is required for it to pass.

Now what passes as a simple decision is a little subjective. but what can happen is that the proposal creator CLEARLY identifies if they think this is a simple decision.

Any amount under the value of 1000 Keys would be considered a simple decision.

ex of Simple Decision would be: Some examples are actual proposals

Media Content Creation! Let's Write more Articles! Grounding Lands into the network! Create an embodiment team

These are simple enough decision that don’t affect the whole or the basic structure of the whole; but, simply create the new in an independent manner.

2nd Tier- For Asset Decisions that ask for Keys and/or Cash above a value of 1000 Keys - 67% is required for it to pass.

This means that two-thirds of all voteholders agree to pass the funds for the proposal.

3rd Tier- For Structural or Constitutional Decisions - 85% is required for it to pass.

A structural or Constitutional Decision is a Core Decision that Affects the whole and everyone involved.

EX of Structural Proposals:

Changing the names of Voteholders to Citizens. Changing the Voting system Adding a partner to the system lengthening the proposal times (from 3 to 7 days) Requiring passing a test to actively vote Commission Rates Gamifying Process

A constitutional or Structural based decision is defined as Any decision that affects the whole and everyone involved within the DAO/System.

What happens if a proposal doesn't Pass the first time within this voting system?

Tier one - Reproposal allowed after 5 days of the end of the first proposal. And then can be reproposed after 5 days of the ending of the second proposal phase.

so, a proposal submitted on Sept 9th - ends Sept 16th. Reproposal allowed on Sept. 22nd. after 5 days have passed. And the same applies for the next reproposal

Threshold Rate Remains at 50% +1 for all proposal entries.

The total amount of times a simple decision proposal may be entered into the ballot are 3 times.

Tier two - Allowed to re-propose after 1 day has passed from last proposals end date.

Threshold decreases at an approximate rate of 3% from the last proposal for a total of 10% over 4 proposals.


Requirement for Vote to pass

Round 1 67% Round 2 63% Round 3 60% Round 4 57%

Tier Three - Allowed to Re-propose 1 Day after last proposal end date.

Threshold decreases at an approximate rate of 3% from the last proposal for a total of 10% over 4 proposals.


Requirement for Vote to pass

Round 1 85% Round 2 81% Round 3 78% Round 4 75%

For all tiers, this system is set up that a proposal can go through all the threshold rounds and would take approximately a month or 31 days till it is no longer allowed to be proposed again.

In said case where the creator of the proposal is still adamant to offer the proposal again, then they would need to reach out to a group of voteholders individually and create a group proposal addressing the concerns previously posed by the abstain, disagree, and block votes.

The same proposal may only be reproposed under another voteholders name, and can only be reproposed 31 days after the last day of the fourth round it was last proposed.

*For a simple Decision a period of 14 days, or two weeks need to pass from the End Date of the last proposal made. And can be reproposed by the same voteholder.


Dakota Kaiser Tue 5 Sep 2017 12:21AM

Mido, you have a lot of good points in your proposal. The tiered round structure and various point thresholds is a nice step in a more efficient direction.

I feel there is one thing majorly distorted with your proposal. You are assuming our current system isn't working.

Which puts you out of alignment with most of our voteholders. I recommend approaching our system with a different perspective.

Instead of "how can i fix this system?" think "how can i optimize this system and increase its efficiency, capacity, and synergistic interoperability.

I don't think a push to totally revamp the system by discarding the current one and "starting with a new one" is going to go very far.


Bret A Warshawsky Tue 5 Sep 2017 2:02AM

I'm going to map the steps/points out so I have more helpful way (for my self) of perceiving them. In general, I sense this is heading in a positive direction. I would also like to see a concerted effort (maybe a vote team) to catalyze more voteholders into voting somehow. I would also like to see each voteholder have the minimum (as possible) delegate votes. I like the tiers in second plan. I will give the info in this poll some attention, I think this is important stuff.


Dakota Kaiser Tue 5 Sep 2017 5:33PM

We seem to have a different perspective on this.

Do you really think its reasonable for most people to make global scale decisions? Do you think the general human population is educated and aligned enough to vote intelligently on economic/business decisions?

Also.... how reasonable is it for most people to vote intelligently on 100+ proposals a day? How can people keep voting when we scale?

I don't think its reasonable bret. I think most people should delegate their vote.


Fredric Sandström Tue 5 Sep 2017 7:21AM

I very much like how you structured the Second Vote system, i don't think it's not working as it is now. But the second voting system proposal aligns better with myself.


Michel (AHE) Wed 6 Sep 2017 6:18AM

in order to limit the consequence of a non "intelligent" votes or have anyone to abuse the system without even having the voteholder being aware of it we have to pass a set of safety rules a "democratic veto" if you want.

so I encourage every one to test the voting system by voting YES on both https://www.loomio.org/p/ahVMZLOn/grant-dakota-kaiser-all-excess-funds-and-keys-mwahaha-

but also urgently get a protecting decision passed : https://www.loomio.org/p/XcIUpr6s/hidden-inpure-intend-safety-net ... this might not be perfect but might prevent Dakota to become our next dictator ! :) :smiley: :sweat_smile: