Fri 11 Aug 2017 3:27AM

Proposed content and format for the 1st Start Up Team meeting

SR Samantha Rose Public Seen by 364

Samantha Rose Fri 11 Aug 2017 3:28AM

Alvaro suggests: (cut and paste from an email)
1. Volunteer Chair and co-chair for this next meeting (these people finalize the agenda, choose a format that allows for a good flow and balance of building relationships and group tasks, and facilitates the meeting): I can help to prepare the agenda, but not chairing the meeting. Does any of you have experience in group facilitation?
2. Suggestions from everyone for topics to cover during the meeting: Define purpose of the new system (what it does, not how it does it), who are the intended beneficiaries?
3. Suggested agenda/format that keeps to the 2 hour time. 1hr build a tree of goals. 45min who are our stakeholders, and what are their needs. 15 min actions.
4. Suggested outcomes: first draft of goals, perhaps a mission statement. Stakeholder map
5. Suggested venue: no idea


Samantha Rose Fri 11 Aug 2017 3:29AM

Sylvia proposes:
1) Agreeing on regular meeting time and day, eg 1st Sat of the month 3-5:30.
2) Sylvia proposes a shared meal to follow the meeting
3) A proposal, suggestion of following the meeting with a film or some other social which would be open to anyone listed on the CSA database and general public


Roderick Fri 11 Aug 2017 8:00PM

I generally agree with Alvaro's and Sylvia's suggestions. (You have done this sort of thing before, I can tell).
I suggest we formally agree to adopt a consensus approach to decision-making (in keeping with our inaugural meeting).


Danyel Mon 14 Aug 2017 2:25AM

I believe it's very important we also take some time in the first meeting to get to know each other. This will help us work better together :). Support the idea of figuring out our centralizing mission as a group and goals. Also might be an idea to have a bit of a code of conduct or values in how we work?

I would be happy to support the group by helping facilitate meetings, or being a sounding board for the facilitator. I do a fair bit of facilitation through work and groups I'm in involved in.


Sylvia Mon 14 Aug 2017 11:39PM

Yes agree , the three core ethics of permaculture - Care of the earth, care of the people & fair share + its 12 guiding principals is an ethical design system that probably most of us would be familiar with :) its whats got us to this point and or strongest asset for social cohesion and healing, Sylvia