Fri 2 Nov 2012 2:22AM

Markdown: text formatting made easy

RDB Richard D. Bartlett Public Seen by 150

Loomio uses "Markdown" to embed images and add text formatting to your discussions. You can switch Markdown on with the small grey icon beneath the comment box:

Here's a quick introduction to writing Markdown.


There are four different heading sizes, they get smaller as you go. Writing this...

# One hash heading
## Two hash heading
### Three hash heading
#### Four hash heading

Looks like this...
># One hash heading
>## Two hash heading
>### Three hash heading
>#### Four hash heading


You can use asterisks or underscores for emphasis. Writing this...

*italics with asterisks*  
_underline with underscores_
**bold with asterisks** or __bold with underscores__

Looks like this...

italics with asterisks
underline with underscores
bold with asterisks or bold with underscores


i) Numbered Lists

Writing this...

My points are as follows:

1. First point.
2. Second point.
3. Third point.

Looks like this...

My points are as follows:

  1. First point.
  2. Second point.
  3. Third point.

ii) Bullet point list

Writing this...

My points are as follows:

* First point.
* Second point.
* Third point.

Looks like this...

My points are as follows:

  • First point.
  • Second point.
  • Third point.

>Note: You must add a new line before your first point (i.e. hit 'enter' twice before starting list).
>#### Correct
>Introduction Paragraph
>1. First Point
>2. Second Point
>3. Third point

>#### Incorrect
>Introduction Paragraph
>1. First Point
>2. Second Point
>3. Third point



Just add a > before each paragraphso this...

> Lorem ipsum dolor sit amet, consectetur adipiscing elit. Sed ante justo, laoreet et elit eget, adipiscing posuere sapien. Aliquam ut elementum elit, vel vehicula elit. Sed nunc ligula, viverra at hendrerit quis, faucibus eget lacus. 

Looks like this...

Lorem ipsum dolor sit amet, consectetur adipiscing elit. Sed ante justo, laoreet et elit eget, adipiscing posuere sapien. Aliquam ut elementum elit, vel vehicula elit. Sed nunc ligula, viverra at hendrerit quis, faucibus eget lacus.

To download a PDF version of the recipe, [click here](https://example.com/scrambled-eggs.pdf).


To embed an image in a comment, first it needs to be hosted somewhere (imgur.com is a good option), then you can include it like so:


Horizontal Rules

These are the dividers that go across the screen. To add them use three dashes, asterisks or underscores in a row.


Code Inclusion

code can be included by using the 'tick' character ` (found on the same key as the tilde, ~).

`example Function() ` 

looks like:
example Function()

usesMarkdown = false
update_attributes( uses_markdown: usesMarkdown )

looks like:

usesMarkdown = false
       update_attributes( uses_markdown: usesMarkdown )

Alanna Irving Wed 15 Oct 2014 8:10PM

@juanjoseescudero ahora no, pero espero si en el futuro!


Paco_Me Mon 10 Nov 2014 1:39PM

** test**


AASMM-coordo Mon 10 Nov 2014 10:57PM

Why is it our group keep having difficulty linking a pdf doc ? We get a pane saying Acces error . Tried from different devices and docs.
Help! This is a major bug for our work!!


Alanna Irving Tue 11 Nov 2014 12:07AM

@aasmmcoordonatrice - Do you mean when you try to create a link using markdown syntax? Are you able to link to other stuff, such as a webpage? Copy the syntax you're using to try to link to your PDF here.


AASMM-coordo Tue 11 Nov 2014 3:56AM

Simply uploading an attachment. It appears as if loaded, but does not open = Access error
pdf or word, does the same.


mix irving Thu 13 Nov 2014 12:02PM

@aasmmcoordonatrice this conversation is about markdown. If you'd like to ask for help please start a conversation in the Help group
or email [email protected]


Christian Bugge Thu 20 Nov 2014 12:46PM

It works for me in comments, but when I create a new discussion, it doesn't: https://www.loomio.org/d/cmW3nxiX/it-i-permatopia-nu-og-fremover


Richard D. Bartlett Thu 20 Nov 2014 8:31PM

Thanks @christianbugge, looking into it now :)


Débora Gisele Minigildo Thu 4 Feb 2016 3:53PM



Ehab Elia - Ouishare Sat 9 Mar 2019 2:01PM

Hello guys, can I add a clickable photo? Like a screen shot of a video as embeded photo in the end of the post where people can click it. Even better, can I embed a video to the core message?

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