Thu 26 Feb 2015 8:53PM

Can we integrate this with ESIP Wiki

ER Erin Robinson Public Seen by 122

Is it possible to embed or at least link to wiki and/or list-serv?


brandon Thu 26 Feb 2015 9:00PM

We can certainly link it to - anything. If individuals 'follow' the page then it will send an email when there is a response (which is list-like).

I could put pertinent points on the wiki, if that is something that is important. Also, this should be open for anyone to read (like the wiki).

Are there potential issues with using an environment like this, outside of ESIP infrastructure?


Erin Robinson Thu 26 Feb 2015 9:02PM

Hey - Links are good. Everything should be open. Not a problem for anyone to read.



brandon Thu 26 Feb 2015 9:09PM

I'll throw some links and an brief explanation/intro on the wiki later. Everything should be open to read. Need to create an account to contribute to the discussion though (like a wiki - or anything else I guess).



Erin Robinson Fri 27 Feb 2015 11:21PM

Cool - thanks.



Adam Shepherd Sat 28 Feb 2015 8:25PM

Hey folks, MediaWiki has an API if you need to grab information: http://wiki.esipfed.org/api.php to pull out. Not sure about going the other way