Wed 3 Sep 2014 3:07AM

Dissolve the Internal Governance circle

RJ Ricky Jefferyes Public Seen by 19

I have been discussing for some time now that all of the roles of the IG group could and should be taken on by the Inner Circle.

The roles of the IG as proposed by Paul can be seen here:

What I propose the roles should look like can be seen here



Ricky Jefferyes Mon 8 Sep 2014 7:15AM

This was posted to Loomio by Paul 4 days ago.


That's after my email explaining my availablity, after Joum and Oliver replied, after this thread was started, after I drew attention to the email within this thread.

I don't know how I can explain myself and what is going on with the IG group any clearer.

The wants and needs of the IC are being ignored by the IG that was created to dictate to us. If you don't want it to dictate to us then agree to dissolve it. We have no need for it.


Ricky Jefferyes Mon 8 Sep 2014 7:17AM

Yeah, we could just not give it any power and ignore it. The proposal is here to dissolve it. Let's avoid any confusion and ignorance by just sorting the problem out right now and dissolve the IG.


Oliver Minter Wed 10 Sep 2014 12:32AM

However, right now loomio says only 37% of members have voted on this issue. thats not enough to pass it... i suggest that if you want the other members to vote @rickyj - you should extend the deadline for this vote....


Ricky Jefferyes Wed 10 Sep 2014 7:17AM

I assume that people that don't vote don't care what the outcome is.


Ricky Jefferyes Wed 10 Sep 2014 10:27AM

It's too late to extend it now. 7 Days should have been long enough for anyone that really cared to participate.


Ricky Jefferyes Wed 10 Sep 2014 10:33AM

Does anyone want to copy and save any of the discussions in IG before the group gets deleted?


Joum Wed 10 Sep 2014 9:56PM

No problem by me if you want to delete. We can talk about it in the meeting tomorrow, but I don't think we should dissolve the sub-group until Paul has a chance to defend it. For me it is a non-issue, and I am not fussed if it exists or not. If I see that Paul is the only one who wants it and that the rest of you are against it, and Paul cannot convince me that it is vital; then I will support the majority.


Ricky Jefferyes Thu 11 Sep 2014 5:45AM

I wont delete it just yet. I just heard via a group email today that Paul does not have reliable internet connection where he is. I want him to have a chance to convince us that the group is needed. So I will wait.


Ricky Jefferyes Thu 11 Sep 2014 5:48AM

I think what it will come down to though is do we want a small oligarchy (monarchy if he continues to call himself manager and not listen to other members of the IG) or do we want everyone within our organisation to have a say?


Paul Sat 13 Sep 2014 12:14PM

Hi, sorry can't spend much time on SOL at the moment, I have a lot on my plate, I am running a construction site with +20 people working long hours in the PNG heat...
Allot of time seems to be being spent string up internal politics at the moment, big picture we need 100s if not 1000 people working on SOL and +400 000 votes to get direct democracy up via this group. I have had much encouragement and many compliments from the group for helping SOL get organised, that is what IG is all about.
Prioritising internal structure / governance / decision making is paramount to growing the party's volunteer base, if an organisation does not have robust structure it gets messy real quick, the left hand does not know what the right hand is doing, conflict, pulling in different directions etc.
Look at DLP senator John Madigan's resignation from his party a few weeks ago, he quit his party because of internal conflict in his party – lack of structure and allowance of rogue staff to trash the party from the inside, there internal structure broke down.

Ricky, I love your energy and passion for change in our democracy. At the same time I am discouraged by the amount of energy you are spending name calling and well creating conflict. It is clear you have little experience in winning campaigns or building movements / start ups. You keep refusing to take on responsibility for a sub group and want everyone else who is stepping up and taking on responsibility to fit in with your time table yet the meeting is for people who are elected to represent each sub group.

When I have time I am getting on with working to build up the membership and volunteer base of SOL and continuing to help organise the party structure so we can grow. Ricky I ask you to refrain from involving me in any more conflict, lets put our energy into using our respective strengths to grow this party. If you persist with involving me in your conflict you will not have to worry about me you can have all my roles knock yourself out. Over to you Berge, Joum and Oliver this needs to be sorted out.

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