Sun 7 Feb 2016 3:48PM

How To Use Loomio

LHB Loomio Helper Bot Public Seen by 34

Welcome to Loomio, an online place to make decisions together.

This is an example discussion thread. Why not use this space to try out Loomio’s features?

You are currently reading the thread context. Use this space to give the background information the group needs for a productive discussion.

The proposal panel is where you make decisions. You can start proposals and participate in them there.

The activity panel below shows everything that’s happened in this thread.


Loomio Helper Bot Sun 7 Feb 2016 3:48PM

Hi folks, I’m the Loomio Helper Bot.

If you want to get the attention of a specific person in your group, type @ into the comment field, followed by their name :)

Here are some things you might want to try to get things under way:

If you’ve got any questions, the first place to check is the Loomio help manual.

Item removed


BC Mon 8 Feb 2016 1:38PM

@robertwhittaker Hi I've never found anywhere to work out how to respond to talk-gb, I did ask of the administrator but got no reply.. That is why I've not made any input. Perhaps with this Loomio thing which seems to have some help section will allow me and more others to join in with conversations.


Harry Wood Mon 8 Feb 2016 5:32PM

Well if we just want conversations, there's also the old "forum" http://forum.openstreetmap.org/viewforum.php?id=5 I think Loomio is probably okayish for conversations, but probably comes into its own if we want to have little straw poles to vote on decisions.

Incidentally why did you have a problem posting talk-gb? Here's one gotcha I can think of: It's not enough to subscribe using an email address to which you can receive. You have to subscribe using the email address which you are sending 'from'. Otherwise your posts get rejected. And obviously you have to confirm you subscription when you subscribe. Check if this important email got lost in your spam.


RobJN Mon 8 Feb 2016 6:52PM

@bcnorwich I only read talk-gb through the web archive (I've opted not to receive emails). This means that I can post (by sending an email to [email protected]) but it doesn't get properly threaded - something I occasionally get a comment on.