Quarterly Project 2021Q1 ideas
It's almost time to make a decision on the next QP, please post your ideas here.
I think projects that can be mapped remotely are the way to go.
Tony Shield Mon 11 Jan 2021 12:06PM
1 - Green spaces (Parks, allotments, play grounds, etc) | |
1 - Buildings (New residantial areas + areas that are currently lacking) | |
1 - Revisit solar panels (Notes -> Ways, more coverage, more detailed tagging) | |
0 - Community Centres/Polling Stations | |
0 - Disabled parking | |
0 - EV charging points | |
0 - Vaccination centres (Micro mapping area + adding POIs) | |
0 - Public transport (stops + routes) | |
Buildings & green space to continue development of the map, solar can add to new residential as many new buildings include solar as part of the specification.
Nick Ananin Mon 11 Jan 2021 12:20PM
3 - Green spaces (Parks, allotments, play grounds, etc) | |
0 - Vaccination centres (Micro mapping area + adding POIs) | |
0 - Buildings (New residantial areas + areas that are currently lacking) | |
0 - Community Centres/Polling Stations | |
0 - Revisit solar panels (Notes -> Ways, more coverage, more detailed tagging) | |
0 - EV charging points | |
0 - Public transport (stops + routes) | |
0 - Disabled parking | |
In urban settings there are lots of patches of green that are not easily designated so are missed out
Andrew Black Sun 10 Jan 2021 5:59PM
3 - Green spaces (Parks, allotments, play grounds, etc) | |
0 - Vaccination centres (Micro mapping area + adding POIs) | |
0 - Buildings (New residantial areas + areas that are currently lacking) | |
0 - Community Centres/Polling Stations | |
0 - Revisit solar panels (Notes -> Ways, more coverage, more detailed tagging) | |
0 - EV charging points | |
0 - Public transport (stops + routes) | |
0 - Disabled parking | |
Can be a mixture of armchair and local walks (going on walking routes one might not normally). Also tagging for these could be rationalised
David Robinson Wed 13 Jan 2021 5:21AM
1 - Green spaces (Parks, allotments, play grounds, etc) | |
1 - Community Centres/Polling Stations | |
1 - Disabled parking | |
0 - Public transport (stops + routes) | |
0 - Revisit solar panels (Notes -> Ways, more coverage, more detailed tagging) | |
0 - EV charging points | |
0 - Vaccination centres (Micro mapping area + adding POIs) | |
0 - Buildings (New residantial areas + areas that are currently lacking) | |
Can be done from home, allows mapping even during lockdown restrictions
Cj Malone Fri 15 Jan 2021 4:11PM
I think I've managed to remove more than 900 tasks by conflating ways leisure=pitch sport=skateboard. Thanks.
Gregory Marler (former Director) Thu 18 Feb 2021 6:18PM
I've done a video about the project https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=9vDMLLsGvZ0
It briefly mentions playgrounds but focuses on allotments in Map Roulette.
trigpoint · Fri 15 Jan 2021 10:19AM
The maproulette task for playgrounds could do with a tweak. It is including skateboarding areas which are mapped as leisure=pitch sport=skateboard and therefore generating false positives.