Fri 7 Aug 2020 9:35AM

proposal: petition for new election

LM Lander Meeusen Public Seen by 42

I propose to start a petition for new elections. Here are a few arguments and benefits for the Pirates.
-The federal elections took place more than a year ago, long before the Covid-19 crisis. The votes reflect in no way citizen's opinions in this historically new context. (The new governement will have to try to find an answer to this unseen crisis. Citizens should have a say in this. Not only by voting on a single party, but also by proposing ideas more directly.)
-N-VA and PS who swore not to form a government with each other are now carrying out an attempt to form a government. The candidate PM for N-VA (Jan Jambon) never intended to become PM. This constitutes a major fraud.

Benefits of creating a petition:
-publicity for the Pirates (petition get press attention);

-possibility to collect e-mailaddresses for future signatures in election (which could be soon).

What do you think?


Christophe Cop Tue 8 Dec 2020 12:58PM

From a practical point of view : preparing for an election in COVID days will kill us: Most of our signatures were obtained in bars and on the streets.... very hard to achieve nowadays.


Lander Meeusen Wed 9 Dec 2020 11:49AM

I hadn't thought about that, but there's always the option of finding 3 representatives to sign for you. Anyway, it wasn't a great success...