Thu 29 Aug 2019 1:00PM

Media Coordination Proposal *Revised*

B Ben Public Seen by 121

Revised October 2019
(Please see attachment for linked content and details)

This is a project proposal to develop communications and collaborations across e-NABLE chapters and with the general public. It is organized into 7 activities, each with 3 components. These activities, once established, should coordinate and sustain communications from the community.

Over the past 9 months, the e-NABLE community wrestled with several obstacles that limited communications, collaboration, and growth. The dissolution of the online home on Google+ as well as shifting priorities within the core team lead to stagnant media channels and community members expressing concerns of feeling disconnected. At the same time, the e-NABLE universe continued to expand with most of the activity outside of any cohesive or easy-to-follow network.

We have explored several community platforms, a newsletter revival, video webinars, large events, collaborative project mapping, and visual storytelling. All have promise, but the coordination of our communications will be key. Coordinated communications and collaborative storytelling could give community members and chapters access to a broad range of e-NABLE activities. Like bees with the flowers, regular media practices will cross-pollinate projects, support and highlight efforts and autonomy of local leaders, promote alignment, growth and efficacy, and provide resources for reporting, grants, fundraising, and continuing partnerships.

In the past, $1500/month was designated for Jen Owen to develop Enablingthefuture.org. It seems reasonable to use this precedent to set a monthly budget across 3 quarters with the goal of establishing sustainable communications practices that can be maintained by community members. After the first quarter, a progress report will allow the community to review achievements and decide whether or not to continue the funding.

Our proposed process involves regular measurement and adjustment. Each of the seven core activities include metrics that can be monitored and adjusted as needed. Whereas traditional organizations typically employ a designated Director of Communications, we will explore a communications recipe that can be followed successfully by current and future cooks in the e-NABLE kitchen. We hope to evolve from a demonstration of best practices by one chef into a smoothly running "cooperative kitchen".


  1. Content Creation
    Online Articles, Visual Materials, and Reporting

  2. Coordinate Open Media
    Hub Partnerships, Theme Direction, Model Projects

  3. Community Facilitation
    Team Training, Co-Authorship, Targeted Distribution

  4. Moderate News Cycles
    Weekly, Monthly, Quarterly

  5. Tracking Activity
    Data Activity, Funding Activity, Dissemination

  6. Marketing Models
    Membership, Donor Relations, Campaigns

  7. Communications Strategy
    Platform, Educational, Accessibility


Jen Owen
Mon 14 Oct 2019 10:20PM

See my comment. I think we should try reaching for volunteers first and then revisit if that flops on it's face!


Leland Green
Tue 15 Oct 2019 9:04AM

It would be nice to have people asking me about e-NABLE rather than me telling them. So I think it's a great idea!


Richard VanderMey
Tue 15 Oct 2019 3:08PM

Large amount of money, but if it's good enough for Jeremy, Jon, and Skip it's go enough for me. Will we get a report on the expenditures, and the success of the program?


Michael Bowman
Tue 15 Oct 2019 6:34PM

I would like to know, how many hours would be committed to this per month.


Adam Armfield
Wed 16 Oct 2019 1:36PM

It is a lot of money and i do like jens suggestions to complement the worl. (we could run our chapter with rent, employee , material and patient travel costs for close to 6 months if you look at 1500 dollars a month for a year). However if it raises more awareness of all our work and this leads to more fundraising to be shared amongst valid proposals than i am all for it. Could fundraising associated with these comms be assessed on a quarterly or half yearly basis?


Chad Coarsey
Thu 17 Oct 2019 11:34PM

Contact me [email protected]


Rodrigo Savage
Fri 18 Oct 2019 12:36AM

I like the idea and the proposal. This is a full time Job! and Ben has a great talent to share! count me in! can help with the tech side.


Fri 18 Oct 2019 2:22AM

Agree that some media coordination is needed., but I don't think the proposal has enough detail to match the funding request. Outreach/cultivating relationships with press people is missing. That takes time. Sustaining model feels like an idea, rather than a model- is there one paid cook, indefinitely? I'd like to see how the funds will be allocated and deliverables that will come from them. I'd switch to Agree if these were addressed.


Saiph Savage
Fri 18 Oct 2019 2:59AM

love the idea!


Adam Armfield Fri 4 Oct 2019 2:14PM

I like the idea in principle and as Bob Mentions it would be nice to see some deliverables as i think they have been key in other proposals. Would there be a media plan, packages etc to attract more donors to individual as well as the core enable chapters?

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