Sat 3 Feb 2018 8:24AM

Trustee Meeting Monday February 12th 7pm

LM Linda McLaughlan Public Seen by 359

Dear Paekākāriki Housing Trust Board members, working group members, and other housing trust enthusiasts,

Happy New Year. We are next meeting on Monday 12 February in the evening, at Mark Galbraith’s, 24 Te Miti St, at 7pm. If you would like to attend, please RSVP.

This note sets out our intended purposes for the meeting and a draft agenda. Please find attached the minutes from our first meeting, Chairs' report and email correspondence to KCDC concerning one of their properties on Te Miti street.


The purposes of the meeting are threefold:
To give board and working group members a chance to discuss where we want to be going,
To help figure out our priorities for the year, and
To consider how we can best organise ourselves to do the work and enable as much engagement as we can.
One clear priority is concluding the purchase of 148 Tilley Rd and setting that up for success. What else can we do?

At our December board meeting we referred back to the ideas that emerged from the hui earlier in 2017 and identified projects we, as board members, would be keen to work on. We came up with nine of them (the list is in the attached minutes). The plan for the meeting on the 12th is to find out which projects others in our extended whānau would be keen to also help on. We will take what emerges from this discussion as a draft working plan.

We will also discuss how we organise ourselves to enable as much engagement with the kaupapa as possible and to get stuff done effectively. Should we continue as a board and a working group? Or might we be a board and project teams or subcommittees? What would work best to do the work we have identified as a priority?

As a board we also may need to supplement the project list with work we consider essential but which has not been the top of people’s lists. From doing these projects, and learning from working together on them, we expect that over the year a clearer picture will emerge of what kind of housing trust we can best be to meet our objectives. It’s a work in progress.

Welcome and introductions
Identifying projects people are keen to contribute to
How to organise ourselves to best maximise engagement and achieve things?
Financial policies
148 Tilley Rd buyback progress report
Chairs’ report including:
Te Miti St council house
Community Board – Housing Trust relationship
Policies working group
Social investment funding. KCDC have introduced a different funding regime for social entities. Proposals are due in by the end of this month. We will summarise the details at the meeting. We recommend that the housing trust puts on a proposal.
Board meeting dates for 2018
Best wishes
Tina Pope and Keith Johnston


Paul Hughes Sat 3 Feb 2018 9:20PM



Grant Nicholls Sun 11 Feb 2018 1:16AM

Hi Linda

My belated RSVP – I will come to the meeting tomorrow night. Look forward
to seeing you all.




Paul Hughes Mon 12 Feb 2018 2:01AM

Here is the latest Housing report from the Minister