Mon 4 Feb 2019 3:20PM

Active Projects 2019

DP Davie Philip Public Seen by 39

Lets list active projects.


Davie Philip Mon 4 Feb 2019 3:24PM

Cloughjordan Co-Housing is still active although we have lost many members and are currently regrouping. We incorporated as a CLG with co-operative principles in our articles and registered internationally as a .coop - cloughjordancohousing.coop - our website is already out of date.

The current group are exploring three ways forward.
* Developing a Co-Living unit, one large shared house in the Ecovillage for young people.
* Exploring buildings in the wider area of Cloughjordan that could be retrofitted for Co-Housing.
* Progressing our original vision of buying/ securing a number of sites in the Ecovillage and developing a pocket neighbourhood.

Site and build costs are the biggest challenge. Building in rural Ireland doesn’t make sense with building costs of €1.5 to €2,000 a sqM quoted.

In January a co-operative build workshop was held in Cloughjordan on the topic of Radical Affordability, which attracted quite a few people attended with an interested in developing an on site prefab modular system. Its early days but it looks like a Building Co-op might develop.


Andy Lawrence Moore Mon 4 Feb 2019 6:00PM

Keep us posted . I still have to drop down @ some stage .


Padraig Flynn Tue 5 Feb 2019 11:58PM

Hi All, just joining this group today. I'm part of a collaborative of architects who have formed a non-profit (SOA Research CLG) to research and advocate for cohousing and Land Trusts in Ireland. Some of our members would also like to build and live in an urban cohousing project, ideally in Dublin as this is where most of us are based.

As Gabriela mentioned in another thread, we're organising a CoHousing Cafe in Dublin on 23rd February (see poster attached). This is a networking and information sharing event for people interested in cohousing in Ireland, and there will be an exhibition and presentations from cohousing groups who are at different stages of organising a project.

A parallel aim for this event is to demonstrate to policymakers/banks etc. that there is demand for this form of housing in Ireland. So we'd really appreciate if you could share the event with your networks and try to get as many people as possible to attend. We'll be posting further details and schedule on event Facebook page over the coming week.(https://www.facebook.com/events/407732609996760)

Thanks, and hope to see you there on the 23rd!


Eoin Payne Wed 6 Feb 2019 8:43AM

-Group build in Dublin/As close to Dublin as possible.
-Early stages, looking for motivated pragmatic people that actually want to see things start happening soon.
-Ideally have realistic access to funds to make things happen.

Some Questions/Points:
Community: Big focus on community with respect of privacy and space.
Strong, well thought out, set of rules to make sure things go smoothly. Aim for shared spaces/resources where possible. Ability and desire to communicate/collaborate essential.

Location: How far out from Dublin are you willing to go? We are hoping as central as possible; this will be difficult without reasonable price from local authorities. Otherwise it's worth looking further out, where train service/good public transport exists (cellbridge, maynooth, ashtown etc) Suggestions for sites welcomed at this point.

Money: How available are funds? Would you have access to a mortgage? What kind of price range etc. Money can be saved by grouping up, but the reality is it will still cost up to €200K-€250K, if not more, depending on certain decisions.

Time frame: To make sure it happens, we are looking for a group of people looking to make things happen. Ideal construction start times = No sooner than Autumn; Early to Mid 2020; No Later than Summer 2020.

Size of Group: Aiming for 9 household, as any beyond 9 must be sold at cost price to council for social housing (not that this is ruled out at present).

Build: Best approach up for discussion, but simplest/nicest way seems like a number of Semi Detatched houses. With a small private garden/area each and a larger communal garden along with a communal building (cost depending). Looking at alternative design options like prefab, SIPs, Timber Frame etc. to save money on construction. Loving the idea of passive House. (See scanhome.ie and ecohouse.ie )