Sat 18 Jun 2016 8:20PM

Making Chi Hack Night a more youth-friendly space

DE Derek Eder Public Seen by 306

Last month, a group of High School students from Mikva Challenge attended Chi Hack Night and evaluated our 'youth-friendliness'.

I'm posting their feedback here as a starting point for us to discuss ways to make Chi Hack Night more accessible for youth.


Derek Eder Sat 18 Jun 2016 8:22PM

Additional feedback from my conversation with the youth and Mikva organizer, Lisa Kim:

Some of my notes/takeaways:

  • Registrations/RSVPs could include topics of interest
  • Use network of CPS counselors to promote opportunities to students
  • students were interested in promo video that explains the community/event
  • On a personal note [ed - this is from Lisa Kim], if there was a way to share speakers/topics in advance, perhaps I can share with appropriate parties that work with youth and may be interested

Joel Inwood Sat 18 Jun 2016 10:12PM

As I already mentioned, dubstep.


Josh Kalov Sat 18 Jun 2016 11:22PM

What is the scale of the rankings in their feedback document?


Derek Eder Wed 13 Jul 2016 2:17AM

it is out of a total of 5 (5 is best, 1 is worst)


Ethan Heppner Wed 22 Jun 2016 2:27AM

I'm wondering if this can inform our other discussion about adding more structure to pre-presentation time, if we were to design the time in such a way to make more interaction happen and make introductions more interactive (and less like a lecture hall):



Derek Eder Wed 13 Jul 2016 2:24AM

One idea to help would be to publish the schedule of presentations in advance.