
2023 April Guild Wide Meeting

Y Yuko Public Seen by 13

Hi Guild mates! 

It was great seeing you all yesterday at the meeting. Those who could't make it, we missed you! Here's the recap from the meeting. For the detailed agenda, please see the agenda doc. These are also posted on Slack & Loomio. 

April Monthly Guild Wide meeting 

04-05 2023 Wed 5:30pm EST 

Agenda Doc 


Cofacilitators - Carlos & Cassie

Cosecretaries - Jerone, Yuko, Dave 

1) Thank you everyone for an amazing Day of Care!!! We are almost there! Shoutout to Carlos for all the coordination. 

2) Actions Needed 

- FUNDRAISING  If you haven't voted, Fundraising Loomio is closing at 3pm today! [ Loomio ]  Also please take a look at this excel sheet for possible perk ideas. [Excel] For any questions, collaboration ideas, please reach out to @Carlos Johns-Davila 

- Newsletter & Membership Highlights Please send you photo, blurb (250 words or less), links to @Yuko Kudo by Wed 4/12 5pm 

- BYLAW Board is reviewing Bylaw in next two weeks. 

3) Please support

- Turtle Race  4/23 If you are interested in supporting Turtle Race, please reach out to @Jerone Hsu 

- Piggybank Piggy bank team needs support with manual entry tasks. Please join Monday at 6pm. 

Lots of exciting things are happening. Please support each other. 

Thank you everyone. Next Guildwide meeting is on May 3rd Wed at 5:30pm EST. 

Love and light