Sat 19 Sep 2020 4:12PM

Approving dues and fundraiser contribution to D.C. Jobs With Justice

SK Stuart Karaffa Public Seen by 13


In the past, our DSA chapter has contributed financially to the D.C. local of Jobs with Justice (DCJWJ). The two polls included in this thread seek to reauthorize our chapter's financial contributions to DCJWJ.

These contributions would be for the following amounts:

  • $100 for annual dues to remain a DCJWJ coalition member.

  • $300 for annual DCJWJ fundraiser.

Our chapter contributed equivalent amounts last year.


For background on who DCJWJ is and what they do, see the below information from their website:

DC Jobs with Justice is a dynamic coalition of labor organizations, community groups, faith-based organizations, and student groups dedicated to protecting the rights of working people, supporting community struggles, and promoting racial justice to build a more just society.

DC Jobs with Justice leads strategic and creative campaigns to win meaningful economic justice for residents and families in DC. We harness the combined power of our broad-based coalition to coordinate various projects and campaigns that educate our communities, build support for working family issues, and hold our corporations and elected officials accountable.

DC Jobs with Justice is an independent coalition member of Jobs with Justice, a national network of local coalitions that bring together labor unions, faith groups, community organizations, and student activists to fight for working people.


Our chapter has allied with DCJWJ on several initiatives. These initiatives have included passage of a One Fair Wage law, ongoing wage theft canvassing (pre-COVID), and the drive to cancel rent during the COVID pandemic.

Specifically, DCJWJ is one of the leading organizations in the current push to pass the Reclaim Rent Control platform, which would strengthen and expand existing rent control laws in D.C. Our chapter overwhelming adopted the Reclaim Rent Control platform as a campaign goal in August 2019.


Poll Created Sat 19 Sep 2020 4:15PM

Allocate $100 for annual dues to D.C. Jobs With Justice Closed Tue 22 Sep 2020 4:04PM

This poll is to approve $100 for annual dues to remain a member of the D.C. Jobs With Justice coalition. Agreeing with this proposal means that you are voting 'yes' to contribute $100 to D.C. Jobs With Justice.


Results Option % of points Voters
Agree 100.0% 9 BW SK GR I PG KH TZ RB P
Abstain 0.0% 0  
Disagree 0.0% 0  
Undecided 0% 0  

9 of 9 people have participated (100%)


Poll Created Sat 19 Sep 2020 4:16PM

Allocate $300 for annual D.C. Jobs With Justice fundraiser Closed Tue 22 Sep 2020 4:04PM

This poll is to approve $300 for the annual D.C. Jobs With Justice fundraiser. We approved the same amount last year. Agreeing with this proposal means that you are voting 'yes' to contribute $300 to the D.C. Jobs With Justice fundraiser.


Results Option % of points Voters
Agree 87.5% 7 SK I PG KH TZ RB P
Abstain 0.0% 0  
Disagree 12.5% 1 BW
Undecided 0% 0  

8 of 8 people have participated (100%)


Stuart Karaffa
Sat 19 Sep 2020 4:16PM

D.C. Jobs With Justice has been and remains a key chapter ally. I am proud to continue fighting with them in the struggle for economic, racial, and social justice.


Sun 20 Sep 2020 11:32AM

While not opposed to donating to one of our strongest allies, I’d like to hear from our treasurer why he is not I. Approval of this expense, since he has the clearest perspective on our budget.

Willing to change my vote upon hearing from Brian.

** I caught up on the slack convo, and change my vote in the affirmative***