Wed 5 Oct 2022 6:37PM

Calendars on Loomio?

ES Ed Summers @edsu Public Seen by 140

I feel like this might be a really silly question, but ... what is the best way to use Loomio to keep track of social-coop events, like recurring meetings? Or do we need to use something else?


Ed Summers @edsu Sun 4 Dec 2022 7:31PM

Well, it took two months but I think we may have an answer for shared calendars using May First's Nextcloud instance!

Details on the shared calendar can be found here in the wiki:


You should be able to subscribe to the calendar so you can see new events, and if you jump through the hoop of joining the SocialCoop Nextcloud circle you should be able to add to the calendar.

There is also a page about how our May First membership is going to work for this experimental first year: https://git.coop/social.coop/general/-/wikis/May-First

Many thanks to @Nathan Schneider and @dphiffer to stepping up to help administer SocialCoop's May First membership.