
Ban plastic bags, and environmentally harmful washing up liquids and toothpastes from our waterways

P pilotfever Public Seen by 19

I was raised on non-flouridated, untreated, natural waters that were not for sale. This is a legacy that should not change. Why do we tolerate non biodegradeable environmentally harmful products in our waterways. Let's make little changes compulsory. And lets not lose sight of the bigger challenges. TPPA has little to argue with us over if we don't allow our electricity and water rights to be privatised or put under international pressure. Let's start to protect our waterways, and think water as a human right...
Let's let everyone know our waterways are not for polluting, or for sale, and start enforcing responsible alternatives.

Must see:
Excellent reporting by Campbell Live, China set to start bottling 900 million litres of water a year in October, for a total cost of the $2568 permit.
I'm fighting this, and yet I can't afford a flight back from HK.


pilotfever Tue 21 Apr 2015 1:34AM

@FredLook @KimDotCom @MichaelTucker @ChrisYong @GrantKeinzely With respect Fred, @marcwhinery has a voice which is welcome.
His posts are constructive. He is engaging on the topics concerned and disagreeing as is his right on flouridation. He is not following me around the forums to harass me personally.

Fred, you agree there is an important and urgent issue around water quality and its export and yet you (and the rest of the executive) are so slow to act and allow a unanimous press release, on such an important topic as our official meetup.com forums being open thanks to a generous donation by another member. This is an official forum where such matters can be followed up, discussed, regionally and in person, unlike Loomio.

I would love to be back in New Zealand but I can't afford a flight back right now as a volunteer. I rely on your CC'ing me in communications to further the internet.org.nz action points and help with filing the return.

What you call logical and syntactical problems, may just show a lack of research and understanding on any of the above terms, from fiat currency creation through ecological economics or environmental economics, renewable energy credits and what can constitute a basic income... I have been researching this for almost a decade, the best place to start is with the links I provided to technocracy in the 30's as it relates to the fundamental problem of scarcity. As a student, I have spent a lot of time researching this, and other topics, such as mass surveillance, organized crime, smartphone/AR/VR, mindfullness, military deployments, international law, and effective political actions.


Fred Look Tue 21 Apr 2015 2:04AM

All well and good but you have to take us all with you so i suggest you work out which concepts are the key ones that the others depend on and just sell us on those to start with. once you get the foundations established the sell gets easier as you build up on that common ground. Just saying


Colin England Fri 24 Apr 2015 4:06AM


But if we have a surplus of “clean” water, why shouldn’t we profit from that while we can?

There's essentially two parts to that question:

  1. Do we actually have a surplus of water? We don't really know but the declining state of our rivers and aquifers would indicate that we don't.
  2. Is selling the water as water offshore the best we can do with that water?

pilotfever Fri 24 Apr 2015 8:03AM

@marcwhinery Absolutely important points, "But if we", "Why wouldn't we" are great questions for the scholarly, and worth a get together. I had assumed we did have as we are an island nation with North South mountains, regular snowmelt and little industry, thus our southern alps are great collectors of clean water, and we can run 70 percent of our country (up to 90 percent?) on hydro power.
Neverthless intensive dairying in by definition unsuitable areas are polluting rivers, not to mention effects of the Earthquakes which should also be considered. Although we have protected our acquifers by opposing fracking, we must continue to fight for and research the impacts of any proposals. I think this is exactly what we should be doing in our as yet to be reformed Policy Committee, taking our brainstorming into scholarly discussion. I asked for the names on the Policy Committee last year but have yet to receive it (I think they wrote some great stuff), perhaps @fredlook @grantkeinzley can obtain for us? I expect we will move strategy discussion, membership and fundraising along considerably after April 30th, and policy and asset committee formation are constitutionally required.


Colin England Fri 24 Apr 2015 8:58PM


and we can run 70 percent of our country (up to 90 percent?) on hydro power.

Nope. We're pretty much dammed up now and that's without hydro producing 70% of our power. For more power we have to go to solar and wind.

Although we have protected our acquifers by opposing fracking,

Nope, we haven't done that. Fracking has been used in NZ for ~23 years.


pilotfever Sat 2 May 2015 1:32PM

We have been successful in getting 3 city councils to oppose Fracking...


pilotfever Fri 21 Jul 2017 6:07AM

http://www.nzherald.co.nz/nz/news/article.cfm?c_id=1&objectid=11893659 When chemicals do more harm than good. It was Kim Dot Com that resigned from the executive. I had hoped he would have done so earlier when it became apparent the SGM process had been abused, along with the constitution and he was playing favourites unsuccesfully. At least in part due to these forums I have been physically assaulted by the public and 'law' enforcement. When I say I was forced into politics I meant it: for the sake of my family, my community and our planet. As a former Colgate 5 star pentathlete throughout secondary school I urge Colgate to take a good look at the tide on water rights and Triclosan use and everyone, please support my candidacy in your favourite party(s) as I will make an excellent and much needed MP.
My previous whistleblower speech is available at theoccupyparty.wordpress.com recommended reading if you missed it last election cycle.


pilotfever Fri 21 Jul 2017 1:40PM

Candidacy 2017

