
2024 April Guildwide Meeting

Y Yuko Public Seen by 19

Hi guild mates, 

I hope this email finds you well. Great meeting last night! Here's the quick recap from yesterday's meeting. 

April Guildwide Meeting 

4/3/2024 Wednesday 5:30pm ET 

Facilitator - Dave 

Secretary - Yuko & Chris 

Agenda Doc (Click to Open

1) Announcements 

- Welcome Mike! 

- Pre-membership period extension proposal has been approved. [See LOOMIO]

- Many people are away during April/May, please support each other. 

- Guild Collaborator Circle is now available [See Website] & next round of Social Impact Cohort is starting on April 17th. 

- If you haven't, please make note which STaTS team you are in or want to be a part of. under STaTS Roll Call section 

2) Time Sensitive 

- 4/5 Friday - Ext. Filming is happening for Raising Kanan. 

- Newsletter submission due 4/5 5pm please email ([email protected]) with a photo/blurb (250 words or less)/social media handle etc. 

- Social media - Rolling basis. 

If you have any questions, please reach out to me or fellow members. 

Love and light
