
Australian deportation system and immigration detention centres

DU William Asiata Public Seen by 239

Chip in and have your say on Australia's policy of deporting foreign criminals, the holding of Kiwis in immigration detention centres, and anything else in general to do with Australia's immigration detention centres and deportation system!


Andrew Reitemeyer Tue 3 Nov 2015 8:00PM

It should be noted that New Zealand deports people at a lower threshold than Australia does and we have plans in place to use off shore detention centers. We should protest at Australia's immoral stance but we need to address our own at the same time.


Maelwryth Tue 3 Nov 2015 11:57PM

Remember the dawn raids?


Colin England Wed 4 Nov 2015 12:05AM

Countries do need to be able to deport people. That's not really the issue - it's about how they go about doing it. They shouldn't step on peoples right to be treated fairly and well to achieve it and they should also take into account peoples social and economic situation.