
Aspects of NZDIMP not found in ODC

CF Cam Findlay Public Seen by 356

In phase 1 of the consultation we put together a handy comparison document that looked at which principles of the NZ Data and Information Management Principles (NZDIMP) were covered by the Open Data Charter (ODC) and where there were gaps in the NZDIMP.

It has been suggested through the public submissions that a reverse gap analysis be looked at too, that is, looking at what is missing from the ODC that is in the NZDIMP.

If anyone has looked over both the principles documents, the initial gap analysis and would like to let us know some of the aspects of NZDIMP that are missing from ODC and are valuable to retain, please comment here in this thread.

We'll work out the gaps together and then include them in an update of the analysis document. :thumbsup:


Cam Findlay Fri 9 Sep 2016 12:20AM

Agree about scaling @weijileong (that would be a good problem to have) and perhaps we can move the conversation of tools and process to somewhere like the Open Government Ninjas group. :thumbsup:

Back on the topic of this thread of looking at what is in the NZ Data and Information Management Principles that is NOT in the Open Data Charter, did you have any thoughts around this?


Deleted User Fri 9 Sep 2016 1:11AM

Just with the title of this thread, you might want to change it to something like: "Points in NZDIMP not found in ODC" to make it clearer for other people. Comparison as a word is a bit ambiguous.

I'll comment on ODC Principle 3 Accessible and usable cf. NZDIMP Readily available. The NZDIMP states "Open data and information are released proactively..." whereas the ODC principle only mentions data. If we define information as a higher derivative of data, this implies that NZDIMP covers more than just data, it has an extended coverage to information! For example, summary population statistics derived from the data (Statistics New Zealand being a good example) would have to be openly accessible as well, rather than just the raw data behind the scenes.

My opinion if I'm entitled one, is that this data and information part is something we should preserve. The data is important definitely, but we should also have open information so that people can more easily make sense of the underlying data without getting caught up with advanced statistical analysis that requires a university degree to work out.


Cam Findlay Fri 9 Sep 2016 1:00AM

Have you seen the comparison table @weijileong ? It points out those things that are the same, those things that are similar and those things in the ODC that are not in NZDIMP.


Cam Findlay Fri 9 Sep 2016 1:20AM

Thanks @weijileong and point taken on the title - I'll update. :star:

You also hit the nail on the head with regards to the impact on the information aspect. Stay tuned we'll be raising a new topic thread soon to pick through the impacts :smiley:

To your point about ability to work with data requiring a university degree. I note their are ODC principles around improving data literacy and awareness in both the public and among public servants alike :thumbsup:

Do you think if we all knew more about what we could do with open data and how to make more use of it in our everyday vocations that might be a positive impact the ODC enables (or at least puts this idea on the table)?


Deleted User Fri 9 Sep 2016 2:05AM

Yes, agreed that the ODC principles around improving engagement are sorely needed (see all the orange and red at Principles 5 and 6 of the ODC!). I'm not sure entirely what a picture of "everyday folks using open data to improve their lives" looks like, because I don't live in that world yet. But certainly though, if you have open information in addition to open data (making sure the link between the two/attribution is in place), I'm sure that can inspire people to interact with the data more.

P.S. you have a typo in your proposal, should be ODC not PDC :sweat_smile:


Poll Created Fri 9 Sep 2016 1:43AM

The key aspect of NZDIMP missing in the Open Data Charter is the provision for open **information** both digital and physical Closed Mon 12 Sep 2016 1:02AM

by Cam Findlay Wed 26 Apr 2017 1:42PM

There is mixed positions here - it has been suggested that the issue is in the semantics (meaning) of data and information as terms. On one hand it is suggested that the ODC would be applicable to "information" on the other there are those that make clear the distinction between information and data. My thoughts are that we need more discussion about this particular impact (data vs information) to uncover if and how the ODC would or would not impact government information.

Here I'd like to get an indication as to whether you think the key element that is impacted should the PDC hypothetically replace the NZDIMP is the provision for open information release either online or in physical form.

Agreeing here is to get an indication that this is a key point to discuss further.


Results Option % of points Voters
Agree 40.0% 2 CF RS
Abstain 20.0% 1 DU
Disagree 40.0% 2 JD AM
Block 0.0% 0  

5 of 23 people have participated (21%)


Rochelle Stewart-Allen
Fri 9 Sep 2016 1:47AM

Yes, let's discuss further.


Rochelle Stewart-Allen
Fri 9 Sep 2016 1:53AM

Yes, we need to consider how to cover open information as well.


Cam Findlay
Fri 9 Sep 2016 2:09AM

We'd need to work out how the information side continues to work.
Also please note the type "PDC" should be "ODC".


Deleted User
Fri 9 Sep 2016 2:16AM

I think some more people need to look into those differences - aspects of NZDIMP missing in the ODC - before we simply say that this is the 'key' priority to address. Yes it's important but there may be other things too...

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