Sat 15 Dec 2018 9:29PM

That an ELF Communications Plan be evolved as a priority

MK Monique Kurdian Public Seen by 152

An emerging issue with the ELF project appears to be uncontrolled communications along an array of platforms. I propose that ELF as an organisation would benefit from a Communications Plan outlining key messages & guidelines for appropriate communications with the aim of projecting a unified public voice (generic summary template attached for member consideration).

The Communications Plan will include project promotional and awareness raising strategies along with a timeframe aligning with the overall project. I further propose that a Communications Officer Role description be developed in time for the next ELF Meeting.
Examples of ELF Communications Officer responsibilities:
1) Develop, support and promote ELF goals, including message development, social media content creation and media outreach
2) Develop and disseminate public relations materials that increase our visibility among stakeholders and lawmakers
3) Build and maintain relationships with journalists, bloggers, investors and other audiences that will help advance our work
4) Identify target audiences and create strategies to effectively engage them
5) Ensure digital marketing content aligns with ELF identity and message, and assist with marketing campaigns as needed
6) Work closely with leaders to develop and strengthen ELF member engagement activities


Thu 3 Jan 2019 3:32AM

Great initiative, I feel an improvement would be to add rights and responsibilities of being a member. Or in the very least create that summary on the website. It looks like the website lifebubbles.org is not functioning, this would be something to resolve before circulating the brochure.


Thu 3 Jan 2019 5:30AM

I don't think this spells out what being a member is so not for a member to make an educated decision on if they want to be a member or not but certainly good content as a first introduction to the project, and certainly helps with briefly understanding the purpose and the legal structure.


pospi Fri 4 Jan 2019 3:40AM

I'm not sure why this vote was cast at 3 days instead of 7, but if we're to abide by the rules of our constitution we need to re-run it with the agreed-upon parameters.


pospi Fri 4 Jan 2019 3:43AM

I would have voted "yes" if given the time, too- there would be a couple of things I'd like to add in an ideal world but what @moniquekurdian has done covers most of it anyway. And I would like to see @sun7 vote "agree" on principle, so that we move forward with this excellent effort to publicise our community rather than delaying it to add more things. As a quick and intriguing introduction I think it works quite well as-is. Ideas about "responsibility" will quickly become apparent as people go deeper into other documents like the constitution IMO.