Mon 3 Nov 2014 11:55AM

How to configure parent groups and subgroups

SF Sean Farmelo Public Seen by 179

A use case that brings up an important question: how can you configure Loomio groups that are all under one umbrella but each have different needs for membership, privacy, and permissions? The answer is subgroups!

Hi all,

we just had our inaugural Students for Co-operation conference as an incorporated co-operative this past weekend in Edinburgh! It went really well and one of the things decided was that there would be online forums for the autonomous liberation caucuses.

The liberation caucus subgroups need a number of qualities

-) we want to keep them as subgroups so that people who identify as multiple caucuses don't get confused by being in loads of separate loomio groups for the same organisation.

-) admins should not be able to access them if they don't self identify as coming from a liberation caucus. So I don't identify into any caucus but It is useful for me to be an admin of the overarching loomio group becuase I do a lot of the admin for SfC, but it would compromise the automony of the caucuses if I could see it. Likewise it is not a solution to make one person from each of the four caucuses an admin because then they would be able to see the other caucuses which they might be part of. So In short as an admin I want to be able to forfeit my admin rights for particular subgroups

-) neither admins or other members of the overall loomio group should be able to see who is in the caucus sub group - people should be free to self identify into a group without other people knowing or being able to see.


Wael Al-Saad Tue 4 Nov 2014 9:58AM

This change supports both individuality, privacy and transperancy


Sean Farmelo Tue 4 Nov 2014 1:59PM

@richarddbartlett while you are at it could you change one more thing?

when I click on groups I get a dropdown list with all the groups I'm in. I've noticed you've added a search function which helps immensely because I am in too many groups - but it would be extra good if you didn't have to click in the box to start typing - you just clicked on groups and then typed the name of the group would save loads of time.


Richard D. Bartlett Tue 4 Nov 2014 8:42PM

Hey @seanfarmelo, that whole groups/search functionality is about to be overhauled. What do you think of this new design?

Clicking the search icon opens the search dialog, including a list of all your groups:

Start typing in the search input and your groups list is filtered, and threads that match your search terms are returned:


Alanna Irving Tue 4 Nov 2014 8:46PM

Guys, if you want to discuss the new search functionality, it would be much better to start another thread about that :) @richarddbartlett


Richard D. Bartlett Tue 4 Nov 2014 9:19PM

Good call @alanna. Anyone that wants to talk about search, come join me on this thread.

cc: @seanfarmelo