
Iwi affiliation

SD Sophie Davies Public Seen by 414

The census is the only source of comprehensive iwi information. Iwi listed as part of the Iwi classification can get comprehensive information regarding their people, at highly detailed levels . Iwi use the classification to formalise their iwi status, as it is used as the source of official statistics on iwi population numbers for Treaty claims and public policy.

The 2009 iwi classification update working group noted several issues with the iwi classification review process, and with the guidelines for inclusion that are part of the iwi statistical standard (Iwi classification). Statistics NZ experienced some negative reaction following a review process. The 2009 working group recommended that the statistical standard and classification be reviewed before the 2018 Census.

Our current recommendations relating to iwi affiliation

  • We recommend that iwi affiliation is included in the 2018 Census. However, the iwi affiliation question, iwi statistical standard – including guidelines for inclusion in the iwi classification – and the iwi classification itself may change depending on the outcomes of a review of the statistical standard for iwi. This review is in the initial stages but is planned to be completed in time for the development of the 2018 Census content.

See our preliminary view of 2018 Census content (page 27) for a more detailed discussion on iwi affiliation information

See 2013 Census information by variable for information on the iwi affiliation variable


chris hickson Wed 27 May 2015 7:18PM

oops -probably got the wrong thread Luke ... but wanted to contribute to the general korero of ethnicity.


Tahu Kukutai Thu 28 May 2015 9:34PM

Thanks Emily. As you know your paper that used IDI to produce sub-national estimates didn't use the ethnicity data because it's a dog's breakfast. And to my knowledge the only sector that is currently collecting iwi data that is anywhere near usable is education. Any idea of how that might be fixed so that it will be fit for purpose for Maori and for iwi if the census is replaced by integrated administrative data?


Emily Shrosbree Tue 2 Jun 2015 5:29AM

Hi Tahu. Part of our current Census Transformation work is identifying and investigating potential sources of iwi information, both government and non-government sources. We’ll be looking into the quality of the iwi information in the education data and a range of other sources.


Tahu Kukutai Tue 2 Jun 2015 11:32PM

Good to know that it's being actively looked at Emily. It would be great for SNZ to be a global leader in indigenous statistics, by being engaged in proactive partnership so that whatever new system eventuates is fit for purpose.


Luke (kaiwhakarite) Wed 3 Jun 2015 9:46PM

Kia ora tatou ngā kaituhi. Thought I would let you guys know that I have been part of some of the kanohi ki te kanohi (face to face) engagement seminar and workshops in the main centres over the last couple of weeks. Fair to say at this stage most of the comments around the, Māori descent, were happy with the position StatsNZ have taken and not a lot more in that space but I know there are some formal submitters who will mention this also in their submissions As for Iwi affiliation people acknowledged the review that is underway and signalled a need for there particular Iwi to be involved in that process. The most heartening thing has been off-loomio conversations (despite me trying to drag people onto this discussion forum) with a number of people around clarifying matters pertaining to their formal submissions. Formal submissions remain the best way to provide input into the 2018 Census content process. This forum is great for clarifying or expanding on these kaupapa. And Tahu @hera I tautoko your comment around global leadership of indigenous statistics.


Kirikowhai Mikaere Thu 4 Jun 2015 4:04AM

Tena koe Luke, koutou ma hei whakatakoto korero e pa ana ki tenei kaupapa 'iwi affiliation'.

Good korero so far and I only want to add a couple of points. Firstly my support for this variable and the importance of this data for iwi planning and future development decision making, so support Tahu's point about ensuring the collection of this data if there is a move to administrative datasets. How can the Government Statistician lead the Official Statistics System to gather this important information for Iwi e.g. Can it become a standard demographic question for the Ministry of Health and therefore be collected across the Health System?
Secondly, I wanted to recommend a modification to the Iwi affiliation question, adding the option of writing a 'Marae' but still capturing the Iwi name and Rohe name. This slight modification could help in the coding process (as most synonym files already have Marae names) and also gives some extra information to help code those Iwi with similar names (and those wanting to get on the Iwi Classification with similar names e.g. Ngati Rangi) and then those Iwi with similar names to their Rohe (e.g. Taranaki and Waikato).

Nga mihi


Luke (kaiwhakarite) Thu 4 Jun 2015 6:21AM

Nau mai ki te mura o te ahi @Kirikōwhai. Awesome to have you on board. Yes the GS is seriously considering how the OSS in its future state can ensure there is increasing relevancy and integrity in information made available for customers, including iwi Māori. An on-going piece of mahi here Kiri. It would be good to hear if there is anyone else monitoring this kaupapa who have any thoughts on the value of iwi information held in the OSS (other Government Departments). I agree that adding a marae question would be helpful in the coding process but would adding an extra question such as 'marae' be asking too much of people and isn't the rohe question enough?


Kirikowhai Mikaere Thu 4 Jun 2015 9:45PM

I don't look at it as adding a question its just adding more opportunity to self-identify (like asking for Rohe is not adding a question but helping clarify and code) and it would also give another dimension to understanding connection. What do others think?


Kia ora, What are the thoughts regarding Hapu affiliation? How should Hapu be represented within the 2018 Census content? What are the thoughts behind a Legal Entity representing the Hapu and/or Marae? Are there any long-term affects for the Hapu, if a Legal Entity represents the Hapu? I look forward to all responses. Kia ora!


Luke (kaiwhakarite) Mon 22 Jun 2015 5:02AM

Kia ora Ina. Good questions. I too am interested to know what others think around hapu affiliation being asked in the Census. We already have people listing hapu in the iwi boxes for census and those are coded to an Iwi or in other cases to a residual grouping where it is not possible to establish which iwi grouping that hapu belongs to. The current review of the Statistical Iwi Standard and Classification will be interested in peoples views on these types of questions also Ina. I am also personally interested in how likely it is that people actually know their hapu especially 2nd or 3rd generation urban Māori. Lets see if there are others with thoughts on your patai.

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