
Sustainable economics

PMB Pamela M Bramley Public Seen by 176

Here's another great article - economics, by Herman Daly, the guru of steady-state (sustainable) economics. http://www.resilience.org/stories/2015-06-18/economics-for-a-full-world


Sonia Corbett Fri 19 Jun 2015 10:39AM

More on economics - the "bail-in". http://www.resilience.org/stories/2015-06-17/why-we-are-all-now-cypriots-to-be-in-the-new-age-of-bail-ins

NZ actually had the "bail-in" mechanism, in the form of the "Open Bank Resolution" or OBR, in place before the Cypriot crisis; it was tested in Cyprus and is now being adopted world-wide. In NZ's case, there is no minimum deposit, i.e. the bank can/must steal it all to bail itself out. Hence the savings pools' and CoHOP's imperative to keep money in use as much as possible.