Thu 23 Jan 2014 10:12PM

Should diaspora* become mobile-first?

M maliktunga Public Seen by 68

Mobile-first design is definitely taking over the world. Facebook, Twitter, Google+, Instagram, Path, Snapchat, WhatsApp and many other social platforms are trying to conquer our small screens. But what about us? What about diaspora*?

If diaspora* doesn't focus on mobile, it might miss the boat in my opinion. Mobile is a strong opportunity for diaspora* to take off, especially in places where Mozilla wants to popularize Firefox OS.

Right now, it is pretty obvious that the mobile experience is an afterthought on diaspora*. From a personal experience, the design is honestly not yet ready on mobile. The buttons are too small for a thumb to reach them, the icons are blurry-pixelated on a retina display... With the progressive switch to Bootstrap, do you think the mobile form factor should become the top-priority for design and features?


Rich Fri 24 Jan 2014 10:19PM

Personally I love the D* mobile 'theme'.

When it was first launched (however many years ago?) it was literally ground breaking back then (in terms of mobile design).

I've recently come back to D* and I still find the mobile site as fluid and as nice to use as I did back then. The only thing I would add/change is a 'show more' for large posts to stop me having to swipe the mobile screen so often.


Jason Robinson Sat 25 Jan 2014 3:14PM

Personally I would love if the current UI's were just ditched and a new one coded from scratch that would be responsive and work with desktops and mobiles. Having different code is just duplication.

But of course in a project like this with no funding and only hobbyist devs it's not going to happen and the question "do we want to go mobile first" is nice, but answering it will not really change anything :)


Steffen van Bergerem Sat 25 Jan 2014 5:11PM

@jasonrobinson The new SPV and the conversations already work ok on mobile devices. For the conversations view some javascript code is required to improve the usability (e.g. less scrolling) and we also need a rewritten responsive header. It will take some time until the whole UI is responsive but I think we make progress.