Tue 19 Jun 2018 8:10PM

EXPENSE - making a stake in Web Architects to get access to git.coop

NS Nick S Public Seen by 25

A place to discuss the conclusion to the decision about how much to invest in git.coop .


Nick S Sun 1 Jul 2018 5:14PM

Ok, I've filled in the PDF with my details and my signature, and will email it to Web Architects tomorrow. I assume that's ok.

I can't see how a 3rd party can submit an invoice on our OpenCollective page - there's an 'submit expense' button but that appears to need a login, which I guess isn't appropriate in this case. So I'll just ask them to email it to our contact address.

I asked Mayel and he created an email address for this purpose: [email protected]. Currently just he and I are recipients, but I can add you too or tell you how to do that yourself (likewise anyone else). If you send me you email address and I can email you a copy of the PDF directly.


Nick S Mon 2 Jul 2018 9:46AM

Sent, invoice received, and I've submitted it to our Open Collective account on behalf of Web Architects.


Nathan Schneider Mon 2 Jul 2018 4:17PM

I just saw the invoice. Does this need some kind of proposal and decision? It seems like any new use of funds should require a proposal in the working group, at least.


Nathan Schneider Mon 2 Jul 2018 6:12PM

Oh sorry, yes! That's right. Thanks.


Nick S Sun 15 Jul 2018 11:34AM

@ntnsndr, can I just confirm that the metaphorical cheque is in the post for this? I suspect you're busy, but I'm keen to get started using it and I want to make sure there's no more pending actions delaying it. :)