Wed 26 Mar 2014 7:14PM

What to do with the front window?

BO Bronwyn Oatley Public Seen by 2

We've talked about a couple of different solutions for jazzing up the front window -- giving viewers a "sticky" experience while making sure we can still see out...

The idea of having our values/ philosophoes stuck to the front window is cool, but will cost us approx $2500 to accomplish. Whoa.

Another option: We buy high-quality markers made for writing on glass and have semi-permanant displays, highlighting what's most appropriate in the moment. For now, that could be our values/ philosophies. Later, it could be a map of the province with the groups we've worked with highlighted; or a list of our project partners.

What do you think? Will Glass markers (10 bucks a pop) cut it for the front window?


Bronwyn Oatley Wed 26 Mar 2014 7:15PM


Bronwyn Oatley Wed 26 Mar 2014 7:15PM


Poll Created Wed 26 Mar 2014 7:19PM

Use Glass Markers Closed Sat 29 Mar 2014 7:07PM

I propose that instead of using stick-on lettering, we buy high-quality markers made for writing on glass and have semi-permanant displays, highlighting what’s most appropriate in the moment. For now, that could be our values/ philosophies. Later, it could be a map of the province with the groups we’ve worked with highlighted; or a list of our project partners.

What do you think? Will Glass markers (10 bucks a pop) cut it for the front window?


Results Option % of points Voters
Agree 100.0% 2 BO H
Abstain 0.0% 0  
Disagree 0.0% 0  
Block 0.0% 0  
Undecided 0% 2 JA OM

2 of 4 people have participated (50%)


Bronwyn Oatley
Wed 26 Mar 2014 7:19PM

I think it would be provide an agile, clean solution that allows us to represent what we're all about.


Hamoon Fri 28 Mar 2014 1:27PM

Are we actually making these decisions? haha.