Mon 5 Dec 2016 9:49AM

Cooking & Catering

SS Stevie Sleuth Public Seen by 327

Cooking and catering will be done by those who love to cook. We all have a mother or grandmother that loves to cook for everyone. Even i love to cook and always cook for more than what is needed. Plenty of cooks to be found who will cook in a free world.
We can have all the restaurants located in the city now, that are set up to cook food already, as places were people can go and cook for themselves. The food needed to supply the restaurants, can by supplied by the vertical farms in the city, straight down to the restaurants below. We can also have the supermarkets, that can be places of cooking and eating. Instead of people taking food home and wasting most of it. They can have the opportunity to cook it right there on the spot, fresh from where they get the food from. Without the need for taking anything home. Maybe only late night snacks and chocolate.