

DU Deleted account Public Seen by 6

First of all - Hello and Welcome!!

And a BIG thank you for volunteering for Senator Online!

This particular group is one of the newest groups that we have created, so it may be fairly quiet initially. Also, ALL work done inside Loomio, happens at its own pace.. Everyone has different levels of time to commit - so people work at their own pace. However the benefit of the Loomio groups is that they are small and very focused on each field. That enables more work to be achieved and less distraction. (quite different from Facebook).

Here is some important background information about our Party that may be worth considering:

  1. We only achieved a complete Internal Governance structure in July 2014, even though the party was founded in 2007.
  2. We ALL work as volunteers - and a Volunteer working environment is very different from a paid working environment and at times it can be quite challenging and we all have different working hours.
  3. We only started having fortnightly meetings via Phone Conferencing or Video conferencing since July 2014.
  4. All of us live in different States around the Country - so we communicate COMPLETELY online or via phone.
  5. We will train NEW VOLUNTEERS on how to use Loomio and Google Hangout Video Conferencing & Google Docs/Drive.
  6. We will give them our necessary contact details including email and phone numbers to help them.
  7. We only created an ONLINE Party Membership Application form in August 2014, prior to that it was done via contacting Berge and completing a paper form and sending it via snail mail.
  8. We have around 2,000 Subscribers to our online Newsletter.
  9. We have VERY LIMITED funds at this stage.
  10. We don't have the voting software created at this stage, but we WILL have it up and running PRIOR to the 2016 Federal Election.
  11. We will be holding video conferencing meetings via Google Hangout within each working group.
  12. There are currently around 11 members of the SOL/ODD CSD (CSD=Core Staff & Delegates) (that are basically the heart of our workforce at the moment)
  13. The members of the CSD meet regularly on a Friday at 2pm fortnightly via video conference for around 1.5 hours duration, using Google Hangout.
  14. Our CSD members photos and backgrounds are available on our website either through "our People" or "Our Candidates" sections.
  15. The members of the CSD are:
  16. Berge Sarkissian
  17. Joum
  18. Ricky Jefferyes
  19. Paul Martin
  20. Oliver Minter
  21. Nick Debenham
  22. Sven Weiner
  23. Francois Crespel
  24. Tom Oliveri
  25. Rory Thmoson-Ball
  26. Emma Wardle

Kind Regards, Oliver Minter, Website & Database Delegate.

LAST EDITED 29/11/14.