Wed 17 Mar 2021 9:59AM

Barefoot Co-op and Community Business Development training - report

NBC Nathan Brown (Co-op Culture) Public Seen by 116

A report on the first delivery of the Barefoot Co-op and Community Business Development training programme. Barefoot had the aim of helping to improve the knowledge, skills and confidence of existing, skilled Members of co-ops to provide effective support to other co-ops.

The initial action research which resulted in this training was part funded by Solidfund 馃檪馃嵒

The headlines are (more in the Executive Summary and in the main body of the report)

  • We successfully trained 21 people from co-ops and community businesses - almost 50% more than our target of 15.

  • 18 of those learners have indicated that they will now start delivering support or that the course to improve their delivery.

  • Some are already delivering support directly to client groups or as associates/sub-contractors to Co-operative Development Bodies

  • 1 new Co-operative Development Body "The People's Support Co-op" providing HR support is in the process of registration

  • Another Co-operative Development Body is at the start-up phase

For worker co-operators, of particular interest may be the fact that 8 learners came from worker co-ops. Others have past experience in worker co-ops, and worker co-ops were a focus of dicsusions and some of the content.

We are exploring with infrastructure bodies and funders how we can repeat the course.

Any feedback is welcome. Offers of sponsorship towards the delivery costs for future runs are equally welcome!

(Edit: Comments via email welcomed to [email protected] as well as in the thread below)


Sam Toland Wed 17 Mar 2021 10:14AM

Great report - @Nathan Brown (Co-op Culture) do you think the next iteration of the programme will be delivered online / blended?


Nathan Brown (Co-op Culture) Thu 18 Mar 2021 4:28PM

Hi Sam. Difficult to say at the moment, but if possible we would like to see some element of face to face, even if it was only a residential over a couple of days close to the beginning or the end. Online delivery has some clear advantages in terms of travel time and costs, but people make much stronger bonds as peers if they get to meet in the flesh.


Sion Whellens (Principle Six/Calverts) Wed 17 Mar 2021 10:26AM

Thanks Nathan. Agree it's important to look at how the Barefoot programme can be repeated and refined. I'm pleased to be working with two alumni of the programme, as Principle Six associates.


matt wilson Thu 18 Mar 2021 7:31PM

Great work - I've heard some good stuff about the programme.