Fri 3 Oct 2014 4:59AM

What role should technology play in a global democracy?

PS Peter Schurman Public Seen by 105

Agent Moon Fri 3 Oct 2014 2:53PM

How about using http://www.bitnation.co/ ?
They did not solve the voting challenge yet, but they remove some dependencies from government offices.
Edit: that project has proven unreliable.


Jordan Parker Sat 8 Nov 2014 10:18PM

Technology's role could be to make the world smaller by giving everyone a voice.


David Elsbree Jr. Sat 8 Nov 2014 10:31PM

I think technology definitely has a role to play, for example, the sharing of information and ideas, like this platform right here. Whether that could be expanded to voting by means of the internet and personal computer, I'm just not sure. Peter, I think you had some ideas on that point.


Lawrence Grodeska Sun 9 Nov 2014 1:47AM

Technology enables collective governance processes that can do a much better job of considering direct input from citizens at scale than our current political and electoral processes, institutions, and mechanics. This platform Loomio is an example, as is delegative or "liquid" democracy:


Austin Mackell Mon 10 Nov 2014 3:28PM

I agree with Lawrence's comments and would ask you all to give me feed back on a variation of delegative democracy I conceived which focuses on the use of divisible but finite voting tokens: http://austingmackell.wordpress.com/democracy-without-elections/ - I'd add that this kind of innovation is the way to bring the two currents of "global justice" and "world federalism", both of which share the goal of democratizing the global system together and to the forefront.


Agent Moon Sat 15 Nov 2014 4:40PM

Identity management on the blockchain - https://openname.org/. Researching.


warren Sun 16 Nov 2014 4:21AM

I have a group that is interested in launching a direct democracy site that would allow people worldwide to vote on issues such as net neutrality (polls 70-95% yes in most countries and is the law in Brazil), and a carbon fee and dividend (would return $2-7,000+ per year to every citizen). The vote would be non-binding but would empower people by creating collective expectations once they see a huge "Yes" vote on issues. Technology now exists to legally establish identities (ie Abode E-sign, etc.) so people can only vote once.

Does anyone know a good platform to launch this on? Wikipedia has this info http://en.wikipedia.org/wiki/E-democracy#Electronic_direct_democracy