Structuring the social enterprise (repurchasing 148 Tilley rd)
We can discuss our ideas, plans, meetings and eventually a public proposal to collectively repurchase the 148 Tilley Rd house for the Kingi Warena.
Paul Hughes Thu 16 Feb 2017 8:14PM
Lets get the purposes of the Trust established first and gain the support of our community and then look at the evidence base and then the options before looking at solutions
Kerren Hedlund Fri 17 Feb 2017 1:30AM
Hi Paul - We are focusing on just the Tilley Rd buy-back for now and not the broader range interventions we might explore. This is a clearly defined, time sensitive project with expressed interest and buy-in by at least 60 folks who are waiting for more information. I personally think while we are doing what you are talking about - which is the PHT or Trust development - that (atleast some of us) can move ahead on developing the PH Company TilleyRd offer. One clear contributory factor for success of these projects are quick wins. Buying the house was a quick but temporary win. This is another. Hope that clarifies. Great if we can get together soon and talk next steps on agreeing on work streams and delegating responsibilities, including Trust development as you say.
Paul Hughes Fri 17 Feb 2017 2:28AM
Thanks Kerren - Any conversation about development of the Tilley Rd Triangle needs to be aware of the GROW PAEKAKARIKI Report. This community prepared report was endorsed by a Paekakariki community meeting, the Paekakariki Community Board and the Kapiti Coast District Councillors unanimously in 2013. A promotion brochure was produced for the Tilley Rd Triangle that further detailed the community needs for the area. Further information can be found at
Paul Hughes Sat 18 Feb 2017 5:01AM
I was confused sorry. As there was no mention that this thread was about buying the home at 148 Tilley for the Kingi Warena whanau use, I thought it was about something else. Thanks to Kerren for clarifying things. Please put my previous comments to the side and proceed with my encouragement on this specific purchase project which our community has already solidly endorsed and has minimal impact on others.
Mark Galbraith Sat 18 Feb 2017 5:31AM
@paulhughes2 that information you posted is very interesting - maybe we could have a separate thread with reports/information like that posted.
justin corbett Sun 19 Feb 2017 12:51AM
Sorry - only just reconnecting with this. Well done on finding Akina and getting the ball rolling there. It sounds just what we need. We can discuss over coming weeks if and how we avail of their paid support, but great that Emma is helping us get into a position where we could get a grant for helping us move forward. As I see it , while this remains still fully focused on finding the right model to allow the 148 Tilley Road purchase and local ownership with Kingi family to proceed as effectively as possible, what a great opportunity it is also for all of us to learn from this specific project to inform possible options for wider social housing initiatives for the village. So a great quick win indeed, but also one that can really help strengthen our joint planning for wider model development. thanks for taking us forward.
Mark Galbraith Thu 2 Mar 2017 10:33PM
To keep everyone in the loop, Kerren and I have put together an initial grant application and submitted to Akina for their comment prior to the grant application closing date [which is March 10th].
Mark Galbraith Sun 5 Mar 2017 6:42AM
I want arrange a meeting with people interested in progressing the format for purchasing 148 Tilley Rd. I also want to invite the people from the community hui who indicated an interest to keep things moving. If you are interested in this line of work let me know what days/times suit. What times are good for you @kerrenhedlund
Kerren Hedlund Tue 7 Mar 2017 8:28AM
I can do pretty much any evening after 5:30. I'll also add our draft proposal here to Akina to get funds to buy financial advice. The final draft is due 10 March if anyone cares to take a look. Pretty generic stuff that won't be public but might be useful for other proposal writing.
Kerren Hedlund · Thu 16 Feb 2017 9:16AM
Today Mark G, Kelly D (volunteer researcher on social enterprise in the housing space) and myself met with Akina ( - Emma Gerard - ex investment banker. Basically they are exactly what we are looking for - they can help us with "the legal structure, financial modelling and capital strategy" for a viable social enterprise such as the "trade" of tilley road and the model for "recycling" houses to low-income families through social responsible investing. They charge $150/hr to advise. They have "partners" they hook up with depending on the need, and these include people with the skills mentioned above. And they are getting ready to launch a call for RFPs to provide grants for social enterprises (SE) to purchase the skills/services they need to get off the ground. This RFP will be out in a week or so. But in the meantime, for free, they are happy to look at our initial modelling (putting us in a good place to get that grant!) So Marc will clean up his spreadsheets. I will copy and paste what we have so far into "social lean" framework they use to demonstrate how far we've got on our thinking. Share all that here for your comment and at some point we can report back in the detail you'd like. All super good. @markgalbraith anything you want to add?