Sat 3 Oct 2015 3:42PM

Contributions done before using the VAS

FB Fabio Balli Public Seen by 215

Some of us contributed before we started using the VAS. There is discussion whether this time should be added to the VAS or not.

Pro is to acknowledge this time. Contra is that these hours are hard to estimate and validate. Furthermore, some of us got some financial reward for this while some not (Forces Avenir price). Which solution would be fair ?


Bob Haugen Sat 3 Oct 2015 4:05PM

I'm just popping in to acknowledge that this is a great discussion topic and if it gets good, will be cited for years to come.


Valentin Gomez Mon 5 Oct 2015 11:14AM

I think that's a very hard topic. Even if I'm on the project since a year, I don't think that my contribution is very important. Contributions of other people (Fabio, John, Yannick ...) are very important. Maybe ye can put some more weight in the VAS algorithm