Wed 9 Nov 2016 5:05AM

The time is now.

T TerribleJoker Public Seen by 23

The political climate (especially in my home "country,") is becoming rapidly fascist, it is now that we desperately need to organize, collectivize, and mobilize to bring our cause to the forefront of the political world.


TerribleJoker Wed 9 Nov 2016 5:19AM

Simply put, we need to put our cause out there. We must broadcast to all what we are about, what we can do to help all, and how we are going to do it. The people are not necessarily against our cause, rather most people of the world have no idea a realm of politics such as our own exists at all. We simply must become a cohesive structure to gain any substantial amount of membership. We must tell our friends, our families, our peers, our co-workers, we must have our voices heard with a roar tremendous enough to rattle fascists to the bone. For our cause to be successful we must make our opponents afraid, we must partake in actively dismantling the oppressive and wretched establishment that dominates our lives.

Now is the time. Now is the time that we all stand as one and speak as one to demand our cause be heard. Now is the time we chant. Now is the time we become a unified and organised leftist movement that will shape the future of the world for the rest of time. It is now or never. Never again will we be able to have the chance we have today. Never again will we be able to make our voices heard. Never again should we ever let fascism rise to its current power.

We have almost all we need to change the entire world. It all boils down to who will fire the first shot, to which I say that it should be us. Once that fire is set, it will turn the whole of the United States, and potentially the world, ablaze in an inferno that will burn down capitalism and annihilate fascism once and for all.

Will you rise with the rest of us? Will you lead the charge into our future?

Glory to the people!
Long live the worker's struggle!
May we be eternally victorious!


Mecka Doyle Wed 9 Nov 2016 7:47PM

Organizing with comrades here would be best done using Telegram, I think. Messages are encrypted and self-destructing, making it far more secure if there is any sensitive information or potentially incriminating discussion.


an actual stone Wed 9 Nov 2016 10:51PM

that would be a good idea for communication