Wed 1 Jun 2016 8:26AM

Pricing for Orgs/Causes we believe in

LH Laura Hilliger Public Seen by 290

We'll run into non-profits and orgs that either do not have funding or who offer a significant benefit (outside of cash).

Should we establish a discounted price structure? Will we write a specific policy on how an organizational request is eligible?


Doug Belshaw Wed 1 Jun 2016 8:41AM

Thanks for moving this from email to Loomio, Laura! As someone mentioned in the email thread, we should ensure that the discounted price covers the running costs of the co-op (i.e. charge at least 25% of what would have been the total fee).

The trickier question is your second one: how do we decide who is eligible. Other than having to be a charity / non-profit, I'm not sure where we can draw a hard-and-fast line...


John Bevan (We Are Open) Wed 1 Jun 2016 9:52AM

Agree, that we never waive the co-op contribution but are free to discount other costs for eligible clients.

As to who is eligible...

I'd suggest offering fellow co-ops a solidarity rate as a commitment to Principle Six

Perhaps we could use other co-op principles as a guide on a case by case basis to start with?
eg. discounted rate for charities/orgs committed to the "sustainable development of their communities" lifted from Principle Seven.

Yes, a bit fuzzy but we can see where we push back and perhaps get closer to a specific policy.


Poll Created Wed 1 Jun 2016 7:19PM

As a minimum, all clients should pay 25% of our standard rate Closed Sat 4 Jun 2016 7:02PM

by Doug Belshaw Wed 26 Apr 2017 1:18PM

We've agreed the following:

"In order to ensure the viability of weareopen.coop, every client should pay at least 25% of our standard thinkathon rate. This extends to a wider principle: the money for the central pot is always taken out of any income first."

In order to ensure the viability of weareopen.coop, every client should pay at least 25% of our standard thinkathon rate. This extends to a wider principle: the money for the central pot is always taken out of any income first.


Results Option % of points Voters
Agree 100.0% 4 JBA LH DB BM
Abstain 0.0% 0  
Disagree 0.0% 0  
Block 0.0% 0  
Undecided 0% 1 HB

4 of 5 people have participated (80%)


John Bevan (We Are Open)
Wed 1 Jun 2016 7:57PM

Happy to proceed on this basis


Laura Hilliger Thu 2 Jun 2016 7:22AM

Agree on NOT waiving the co-op fee

Re: eligibility – The bit fuzzy will be tricky. Agree with the "sustainable development" and also think that organizations that call out "openness" specifically as a core tenet of their mission probably deserve a rebate.

The problem is that there are many organizations that say these types of things in their mission statements, yet fail to live up to them.

I think we can (and should) case by case review for now, but I foresee us needing to have a more rigorous policy as we grow. Someone add "Establish Discount Policy" to our kanban board (which I don't think exists??)


Bryan Mathers Thu 2 Jun 2016 8:39AM

25% roadbump makes sense. There's also a "social good" attached to that, as well as the "waiving my fee" element. We can never skimp on value in the customers mind.
Ten clients in, and we'll be able to button down our pricing.