Thu 10 Feb 2022 9:52AM

Worker Co-op Weekend 2022 / Friday 29th April - Sunday 1st May

JA John Atherton Public Seen by 170

The worker co-op weekend is will be Friday 29th April - Sunday 1st May at  https://www.selgarsmill.co.uk/thespaceSo


Just finishing off the booking form/webpage but posting the programme here for people to start inputting ideas.

It's going to be a biggy this year... We have the usual connecting, learning and making merry round a campfire together. But the WCC will be running a conversation about the future of the worker co-op movement with: big decisions, planning and for the do'ers, there is a lot to do.. We need your ideas, energy and most of all action to make it happen. As usual the co-creation of the programme will take place in the link below, so don't be afraid to add suggestions in this thread or directly on the google doc, examples from previous years to give you ideas of what might be, could be covered.



Sean Farmelo Mon 14 Feb 2022 3:57PM

Brilliant! At least two of us coming from Birmingham Bike Foundry, we will bring our bikes if anyone wants a noodle around before or after馃毑


Finn Lewis (Agile Collective) Wed 16 Feb 2022 4:00PM

Cycling from Birmingham or train and bike? I might be up for a rendezvous and some cyciling.


Owen J. Powell Tue 15 Feb 2022 2:44PM

Great stuff. Do give us a poke once the registration page is live @John Atherton!!


Finn Lewis (Agile Collective) Wed 16 Feb 2022 3:57PM

Amazing! Thanks @John Atherton - hoping to be there and looking forward to seeing people in the real again.

(P.S. The link to https://www.selgarsmill.co.uk/thespaceSo should be to https://www.selgarsmill.co.uk/thespace )


John Atherton Wed 23 Feb 2022 9:59AM

Bookings open, so book now particuarly if you want a private room or dorm they will go quickly!



great work. I guess it's pretty certain that the Solidarity Fund will provide bursaries again - it would be good to put that info on the cuk events page once it's confirmed, so that people who aren't connected still hear about them and can apply.


Chris Croome (Webarchitects Co-operative) Thu 3 Mar 2022 1:29PM

I'd have thought it'll be agreed but I think someone needs to post a proposal for bursaries and it needs to be agreed by SolidFund first?


maybe we shouldn't always just leave that job to @Sion Whellens (Principle Six/Calverts) ?! is it just a straight copy-paste from 2021?


Chris Croome (Webarchitects Co-operative) Sun 6 Mar 2022 5:10PM

The amounts might need to be increased as the costs might be higher (especially for people who can't camp) plus the cost of getting there might have also gone up?


Sion Whellens (Principle Six/Calverts) Mon 7 Mar 2022 11:35AM

I think we should make a higher bursary budget this year. Note we seem to have the Friday at Selgars, underwritten by CUK this time as I guess they're expecting higher income. So presumably people can pitch up on Thurs night. Are all the dorm/room spaces already booked out? @Liam MacLeod (MediaBlaze Hosts) are you coming? We can sort it.

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