Thu 7 Sep 2023 2:34PM


JC Judy Colby-George Public Seen by 61

If you have taken the survey, please let us know if there is anything that you think we should have asked?


Regan StPierre Sat 16 Sep 2023 11:55PM

I would have liked to see more questions that addressed balancing housing development and conservation. Do we have enough conservation land? If land that is not ecologically significant is conserved, should a portion of taxes on that land go to a housing fund? Also would have liked to see more questions regarding climate change and energy efficiency, which will be key to community resiliency, stability, and affordability in the future. Lastly, would have liked to see questions regarding governance and housing policy. Asking which if any cities/towns people think are doing a good job with housing policy and why; who they think is in charge of housing policy in town, if we think we have the necessary capacity to carry out any agreed upon housing policy, and if we think we have the necessary resources/capacity to support future residents of any affordable housing development and at what scale?