Sat 10 Sep 2016 12:00PM

Pirates and/or Independents ?

JVO Jan Van Opstal Public Seen by 370

What about local crews who use Pirate resources, with the intention not to produce a Piratelist for next elections but to participate on a independent list ?


Christophe Cop Mon 12 Sep 2016 2:19PM

Actually, my proposal for Crew Antwerp is the inverse.

I hope we can come with a complete list to the elections.
If we don't have enough pirates, I propose we invite independents to our list (with a minimum of requirements, like approving the UN-human rights).

As such, minor factions and individuals can help us, while we show that we want democracy, not parties in power.


Jan Van Opstal Mon 12 Sep 2016 7:44PM

Why should we not find enough Pirates (at least in the major cities) ?

We have very strong program item such as:

Liquid democracy
Basic Income
and much more

Let's explain, let's party ... there are about 14.000 jobs to win....

and more we can create ourselves ... :sweat_smile:


Christophe Cop Tue 13 Sep 2016 1:09PM

It's all a matter of HR: How many pirates do we have (now), and how many pirates will we have by the time when the lists are to be composed.
The people we have now, have all limited time and resources (it's all voluntary work!), and reaching out to new members is time consuming.
While I do hope we'll gather enough members, I am not putting my money on it. But I hope I am wrong


Jan Van Opstal Tue 13 Sep 2016 9:54PM

HR ?


Christophe Cop Wed 14 Sep 2016 8:21AM

Human Resources. : The pirates, and how much time and effort each one wants to contribute. If there are pirates that can engage them, there is more succes.


Valerie D. Mon 12 Sep 2016 7:53PM

The point is not about "not having enough pirates": it's about going with a "common list" with other people who are not in the pirate party.

What about this GA? We just want to inform in the largest way possible that some pirates have been working on something like that and want it to be clear to other pirates (it's been mentioned on some previous labs before, but that does not mean the news has spread out... obviously not). And there are many other possible strategies for the elections (just imagine! :star: .)
We do not want to talk already now about ressources or such thing, just, and only, to explain that this has been ongoing for a while, and why.

that's a first draft ;-)


Jan Van Opstal Mon 12 Sep 2016 8:10PM

If you go with a common list you can not have a pirate list at same time.....
It seems to be the one or the other ....


Valerie D. Mon 12 Sep 2016 8:13PM

Inderdaad, tout à fait.


sarah van liefferinge Tue 13 Sep 2016 1:28AM

before the local elections of 2012, we had someone in Gent who came to us and asked if he could be on the Pirateparty list as an independent. our answer was: "hell no! if you want to be on our list, you have to be 100% Pirate!"

but I guess by now, 4 years later, we would react differently. even more, the idea is rising to actively invite independents on 'our' list, to show that we take our own criticism on party politics seriously. if Pirates are the ones facilitating the list, it could be a 'Pirate+' list, but if not enough people/independents agree on that, another name is possible. 'Pirate+' could give both signals: yes, we are Pirates and we are going to the elections, and yes, our list is open for independents and for citizens who care: convergence des luttes!

it is important to have a few guidelines and some common ground, I believe, and I would look for/try to gather independents who are representing local citizens' and transition initiatives. but if we open up 'our' list, the common ground will have to be discussed on the way, with the people willing to participate. so we don't demand people to become a member of the Pirate Party and fully endorse all our ideas (copyright reform, basic income, etc., which are hard to achieve on a local level), but we show ourselves willing to debate and find common ground with people who are outside of the party.


Sandrine Debatty Tue 13 Sep 2016 5:57AM

J'avais posé une question similaire il y a un mois ou deux. Dans les petits villages, il y a souvent une liste "de coalition communale". Est-ce de cela qu'on parle ici? Parce que la question s'est posée de savoir si on avait pas intérêt à essayer de placer des pirates dans ce genre de liste. La réponse qu'on m'a donnée à l'époque est que la liste doit respecter les valeurs des pirates, ce qui est impossible à savoir à l'avance. Mais si c'est une liste de coalition de personne, c'est qu'ils travaillent, en principe, au consensus, donc on devrait pouvoir s'y retrouver. Voilà, question qui m'intéresse car j'ai lancé une crew dans une région avec uniquement des petites communes et donc souvent des listes de coalition. La probabilité de voir un élu pirtates par une de ces listes est plus importantes que de voir un pirate élu par une liste pirate, en tout cas à moyen terme. De plus, le but des pirates étant que des idées soient mises en place et pas des pirates, cela me semble tout à fait compatible. Des avis?

I had asked a similar question one month or two ago. In the small villages, there is often a list " of municipal coalition ". Is it about it that we speak here? Because the question settled to know if we had not interest to be tried to place pirates in this kind of list. The answer that we gave me to the time is that the list has to respect the values of the pirates, what is impossible to know in advance. But if it is a list of coalition of anybody, it is that they work, as a rule(in principle), on the consensus, thus we should be able to if to find. Here we are, question which interests me because I threw a crew in a region with only small municipalities and thus often lists of coalition.
The probability to see an elected representative pirtates by one of these lists is more important than to see a pirate elected by a list pirate, in any case in the medium term. Furthermore, the purpose of the pirates being that ideas are organized and no pirates, it seems to me completely compatible. Opinions?

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