
Our shared objectives - let us know what do you think!

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Let us know what you think about our objectives. Are these objectives that you would support? Are we missing something? Please share your thoughts with us by posting a comment below.

These objectives have been developed over a few months of discussions, both over email, conference calls and a number of face-to-face meetings.


Girls Education Mission International Fri 14 Aug 2015 9:37AM

Great one!


Siamul Huq Rabbany Sun 16 Aug 2015 8:04AM

These are very well defined objectives i must say. However, how we monitor and implement are the crucial questions here, i guess. Any thoughts on that would be much appreciated.


Dorothy Lucks Mon 17 Aug 2015 9:26AM

I agree with the above comments in relation to needing to be more specific about transparency and accountability of leadership in objective 3.

Another point that is important that follow-up and monitoring are not sufficient; the MDGs were monitored but not adequately evaluated. Suggest that you use the word evaluated rather than monitored. Good quality evaluation processes implicitly respond to important values like participation, equity and pathways to better decision-making. Thanks for the opportunity to provide input.


DOSSE SOSSOUGA Mon 17 Aug 2015 1:59PM

I agree Dorothy Lucks word " evaluation" using.


Coordinator Wed 19 Aug 2015 7:23AM

@siamulhuqrabbany and @dorothylucks thanks for these valuable comments. Agree with you on the need for monitoring and being clearer on the need for transparency and accountability by leaders. Will bring this back to working group and discuss how we can best include this.


Bruce Preville Sat 22 Aug 2015 11:35PM

Humanity is becoming aware of itself as an entity, rather than simply as discrete individuals or groups, with a profoundly interdependent relationship with its home, planet Earth. To best generate fulfillment of the SDGs and our future on this planet, the United Nations needs to relate primarily to the interests of humanity as an entity, and only secondarily to the interests of nation states or other smaller entities.


Kimbowa Richard Mon 24 Aug 2015 5:04AM

I hope that scaling up awareness about SDGs as a first step is important. Recently I was appoached by a media pp who found the SDGs content 'unachievable'. Many might be present out there. We need to start on this as soon as possible


Elvis Agbayizato Mon 24 Aug 2015 9:25AM

I do agree with Richard
Beginning august 2015; I participated at training program for spokespeople and journalists to better understand and communicate the issues surrounding SDGs it was very productive to understand SDGs and how we can promote it through media.
I think we should accept journalists on board
The session was organized by Reuters Foundation, in partnership with the United Nations Foundation


DOSSE SOSSOUGA Mon 24 Aug 2015 11:44AM

Nous, à l'ONG: ADET, nous avions organisé au Togo le 16 Mai 2015, une conférence sur la journée internationale de la citoyenneté parrainée par CIVICUS, World Alliance for citizens participation. Etaient présents, les médias, la société civile, les communicateurs, les représentants du gouvernement, les invités de différents couches sociales. La conférence portait sur le racisme, la discrimination raciale, la xénophobie, la citoyenneté et les ODD et suivie de débats. Nos constats sont que l' assistance est très intéressée par l'évènement. Mais les journalistes maîtrisent peu le contenu des ODD. Ils leur faut de formations pour leur bonne implication dans la sensibilisation sur le post 2015.


Bruce Preville Mon 24 Aug 2015 5:59PM

Many people say local action is needed first on local goals, not global. How can we help people to see that local and global are connected, not in opposition, and that global challenges create local problems that are symptoms. Addressing local symptoms does not solve the global challenges. It is like bailing out a boat without fixing the leak. How can we help to come up with local actions that have local and global impact?

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