Mon 23 Sep 2019 3:42PM

OPEN 2020

OS Oli SB Public Seen by 172

Save the dates! OPEN 2020 will be in London on the 11th and 12th of June 2020 - focusing on 'co-creating the collaborative, regenerative economy' - see you there ;) - super early bird tickets coming soon...


Oli SB Mon 23 Sep 2019 3:45PM

If you have information about, research on, or are working on a project which involves 'co-creating the collaborative, regenerative economy' which you would like to present at OPEN 2020 please submit a proposal here: https://www.loomio.org/d/7GgNcVvM/open-2020-propose-a-session


Ed Mon 23 Sep 2019 4:27PM

Thanks Oli! Can I preregister to help out again please :)



Simon Grant Mon 23 Sep 2019 8:41PM

Happy to help with organising if that's useful ... what comes to mind is the host of eocnomy-related articles on the P2P Foundation wiki, where I have recently redone some of the category intro pages. Look at https://wiki.p2pfoundation.net/Category:Economics and its subcategories for a start. I would love to see the P2PF wiki being used more widely as a commons knowledge base. Maybe this could be one theme for OPEN 2020 -- collaboration on the documentation and knowledge base supporting the collaborative regenerative economy?

Another thread I would love to see, my own idea this time, would be building another more specific and structured semantic wiki to do with what in traditional terms are supply chains and competence frameworks. Would love to talk about this and see what it could offer you and our network.


Simon Grant Mon 23 Sep 2019 8:45PM

And of course as ever it's not just the technology. If we did get a larger group together using the P2PF Wiki, part of what would make it work would be really good collaboration between the contributors. Circle practice. Co-creation. That kind of thing, you know?


ugo biggeri Fri 27 Sep 2019 10:37AM

If you want bancaetica’s group as spearker we are interested (me or others)
I partecipate in 2017 to the open coop
If you need a topic, our history or cv ...
We may send it to you
Www.bancaetica.it ( http://Www.bancaetica.it )

Www.eticasgr.it ( http://Www.eticasgr.it )
Www.fiarebancaetica.coop ( http://Www.fiarebancaetica.coop )
Best regards
Ugo biggeri


Oli SB Fri 24 Jan 2020 10:58AM

Thanks Ugo - please submit a Proposal here: https://www.loomio.org/d/7GgNcVvM/open-2020-propose-a-session


Oli SB Thu 23 Jan 2020 9:50AM

more info including the first 4 contributors and info on how you can buy tickets USING MUTUAL CREDIT now online: https://2020.open.coop/ more details to come... esp on submitting your ideas and volunteering ...


Oli SB Fri 24 Jan 2020 10:57AM

I have opened a new thread for people to propose sessions at OPEN 2020 - if you would like to submit an idea please add a proposal here: https://www.loomio.org/d/7GgNcVvM/open-2020-propose-a-session


Ed Fri 24 Jan 2020 2:06PM

Hi Oli, happy new year! keen to help out again :)



Oli SB Tue 3 Mar 2020 2:23PM

Just a quick reminder - this is the last week that early bird tickets for OPEN 2020 are available - grab yours now to secure the 40% discount. If you would like to volunteer please send a quick message via https://open.coop/contact/ and we will add you to the list. @Ed - you're already on the list :) first come, first served... Thanks all, Oli

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