
Welcome to Digital is not the future

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An open document?
We have made this thread open for anyone to edit. This is a conversation that will be made better by involving more people. The aim of the platform is to frame the discussions and debates we need to have at our institutions in order put innovation and the digital at the heart of the institutional approach to learning and teaching. There is a case to be made that institutionally, we have failed. ‘Traditional’ custom and practice is legitimised in the digital, whilst practice based innovation can be banished to the fringe or the grassroots. Techno-solutionism is equally legitimised, where ‘solutions in a box’ and services drive our activity; an activity that often replicates existing practice rather than transforming it. This widens the gap between ‘academic’ practice and the changing nature of learning in a digital era, masked by the procurement of new, and by implication, ‘innovative’ technologies

What do you have to do?
What we seek from the physical and online hacks is a form of radical pragmatism. You are in the room, because you are the institution, you are the senior management, you are the expert.

The rules of this hack are simple.

Rule 1: We are teaching and learning focused and institutionally committed
Rule 2: What we talk about here is institutionally/nationally agnostic
Rule 3: You are in the room with the decision makers. What we decide is critical to the future of our institutions. You are the institution
Rule 4: Despite the chatter, all the tech ‘works’ - the digital is here, we are digital institutions. Digital is not the innovation.
Rule 5: We are here to build not smash
Rule 6: You moan (rehearse systemic reasons why you can’t effect change - see Rule 3), you get no beer (wine, juice, love, peace, etc)

We have chosen 5 common scenarios which are often the catalyst for change in institutions. As we noted above, you are in the room with the new VC and you have 100 words in each of the scenarios below to effectively position what we do as a core part of the institution. Why is this going to make our institutional more successful/deliver the objectives/save my (the VCs) job? How do we demonstrate what we do will position the organisation effectively? How do we make sure we stay in the conversation and not be relegated to simply providing services aligned with other people's strategies? Anyone who has been around the system for any length of time will recognise these scenarios and will have been through many of them. They are critical junctures at where momentum for change peaks.


Rainer Usselmann Wed 13 Apr 2016 2:19PM

@sylvesterarnab the HE institution as curator of learning experience


Sylvester Arnab Thu 14 Apr 2016 7:54AM

absolutely -personalised experience. Pick and Mix (though aware that these learning experience paths, patterns, plans have to be validated somehow)


Colin simpson Thu 14 Apr 2016 12:22AM

This seems like a space where digital badges (microcredentials whatever) can come into their own. Particularly in terms of showing people possible pathways. I also saw a tool at the ASCILITE conference here last year called MyCourseMap that might be useful for this approach


Sylvester Arnab Thu 14 Apr 2016 7:56AM

yes i heard of MyCourseMap. We are also experimenting Open Badges at the university too.


Jim Harris Wed 4 May 2016 11:15AM

Question) What do you get when your VC/governors/senior management flips your entire campus, sells the old one, and builds the new one from scratch with NO lecture theatres...

Answer) http://www.watersidecampus.info/ and an entirely new T&L model for all staff - http://www.northamptonilt.com/learning-and-teaching-plan/?rq=waterside and this video https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=tOwbqaoJUoc

Northampton is known (no...really) for it's lift testing tower http://www.nationallifttower.co.uk/ and so our elevator pitches are all about innovation and doing right, not just "new wine in old bottles" (@alejandroa).

I'm Jim Harris, a Learning Designer (no teaching experience but former eLearning Development and IT Support Manager) and I'm here because in 2018, all our modules, academic staff and students will be delivered in a blended format. Our elevator has already burst through the roof of the Chocolate Factory and we are fundamentally shifting pedagogy/andragogy and technology beyond the "nice to have", and into the "this is how it works".

Already this area is my new learning community (it's like a MOOC but with none of the self promotion! I hope I can bring some value to the conversations).

Be seeing you,

Jim Harris (@jimdharris)