Sat 7 Jun 2014 8:16PM

Horizon 2020, Kickstarter/indiegogo

AV Alexey Vokhmin Public Seen by 338

Dear members,

in this topic we should select one idea for Horizon 2020/Kickstarter/indiegogo
We had some discussion by email, so what we have:

  1. router on ARM + OM with nice web UI.
  2. CubeSat (small sputnik).
  3. run OMV on SmartTV.
  4. Join OLPC and suggest OMV as default platform.

If you have any other idea, be free to write.

Only after selecting of idea we will go next: creating videos/docs, discussing about bureaucracy and etc.


Raphaël Jadot Sat 7 Jun 2014 9:15PM

An appliance for server with openmandriva inside, able to install some servers such as modoboa for email server


Kate Lebedeff Sun 8 Jun 2014 12:20PM

@alexeyvokhmin I can not see it for some reason - is the discussion for all members?


Raphaël Jadot Sun 8 Jun 2014 9:34PM

@katelebedeff @alexeyvokhmin I moved it to member subgroup :)


Kate Lebedeff Sun 8 Jun 2014 9:36PM

@raphaeljadot thanks for letting know, it is not visible as I understand. My concern was - for all members to see this:)


Bernhard Rosenkränzer Tue 10 Jun 2014 8:15PM

Some more ideas:

  1. OMV port to tablets and/or smartphones - possibilities to differentiate from e.g. Android: Can do everything locally, no need to be connected all the time, doesn't push data into the NSA cloud without asking. [RISK: Given the locked bootloader in most handheld devices, there's no such thing as generic hardware to target, and installing a custom OS is usually hard. To really get any market share, would have to work with a hardware manufacturer. Even more necessary than in the desktop world.]

  2. (Somewhat goes with Raph's suggestion) Mail server done right. There's plenty of distributions that allow you to set up a web server quickly, but setting up a mail server is always a bit of a pain, especially if you want all the extras people have come to expect (webmail, shared calendars, ...). That's fixable.

  3. Help people/organizations that want to put stuff into the cloud avoid NSA infested services like Google, Dropbox, ... by allowing to run their own services. Possibly work with those guys: https://owncloud.com/

  4. In addition to/instead of 4., talk to their competition - Intel's Classmate PC. They were even officially supporting Mandriva 2010 there (but I guess Mandriva SA blew it?). Last time I checked they were open to alternative OSes. (I have the email address of the guy who was running the program in 2010, may or may not still be around, can't post this email address on a publically accessible page)

  5. Encourage more people to become supporting members (pay a membership fee and you get free new USB sticks with every release etc.?)

  6. Linux for dogs -- build an OS Chwido would enjoy using ;) (Just checking if anyone is still reading ;) )


Bernhard Rosenkränzer Tue 10 Jun 2014 8:36PM

  1. Bring new developers in by helping them do things right. Somewhat like http://developer.ubuntu.com/apps/ - just quicker to get started

jclvanier Wed 11 Jun 2014 7:10PM

6: mail server. We might try to propose to set a standard mail server with a tool like the one we use for samba. Btw, modoboa is not a mail server but rather a mail server manager. It suposes a already running ad well configured mail server.

10: the only question is how to correcly configure a bone server with potfix an dogcot (yes, still reading;)


Bernhard Rosenkränzer Wed 11 Jun 2014 9:14PM

  1. Create a tool that makes switching to Linux easier for Windoze users: Scan their Windoze partition for all sorts of settings (desktop background, applications on desktop, favorites in start menu, bookmarks in Internet Exploiter, ...) and replicate those settings as closely as possible into a Linux installation (e.g. user's background is preserved, M$ Excel icon on the desktop is replaced with a Libreoffice Spread icon on the desktop, M$ Word icon in start menu favorites is replaced with Libreoffice Writer in homerun favorites, ...)

Alexey Vokhmin Mon 23 Jun 2014 10:03PM

ok, let's start survey: https://www.surveymoz.com/s/118890IHTLR


João Azevedo Patrício Tue 24 Jun 2014 8:34AM

Regarding the objectives of Horizon 2020, from what I know, a good projct will be to develop a version of OMLx for Government and some E-government tools.
Focused on: Privacy, Data control and Cloud for the OMLx and as tools, for example, e-voting boxes, interaction between public services and "the people" using our technologies. Regarding that that is not the focus of OMA, but more OS, I believe that a high privacy, secure, modular, and easy to adapt distro would be a plus. a Municipality or public bodie as partner would be a plus.

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